Poem - The Gift
The Gift
By: Marlon Salem Gruezo-Bondroff
Country: Philippines-USA
In the stillness of a snowy eve,
Where twinkling lights make hearts believe,
A gift descends from the skies above,
Peace, wrapped in the warmth of love.
Amidst the songs and joyful cheer,
A clear message, we hold so dear,
That peace is Christmas' true embrace,
A gentle touch, a saving grace.
No treasure found in an earthly store,
Can match the peace we all adore,
It soothes the soul, it calms the mind,
A gift from heaven, pure and kind.
As families gather, candles glow,
And winter winds begin to blow,
We celebrate this gift so bright,
Peace, the star in our silent night.
In every heart, let peace entwine,
Let us share this gift divine,
For Christmas brings this truth so clear,
Peace is the gift we hold most dear.
All rights reserved.
০২:৩৩ পিএম, ২৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
আগামী ৯- ই নভেম্বর জঙ্গিপুর সাংগঠনিক জেলার উদ্যোগে বিজয়া সম্মিলনী ও সম্প্রীতি সভাকে সামনে রেখে প্রস্তুতি সভা ইমানি বিশ্বাসের
১২:২৫ এএম, ৩ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার
সাগরদীঘিতে অল বেঙ্গল ইমাম মোয়াজ্জিন এসোসিয়েশন এন্ড চ্যারিটেবল ট্রাস্টের উদ্যোগে সংবর্ধনা সভায় বিধায়ক বাইরন বিশ্বাস।
০২:৩৯ পিএম, ২ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ শনিবার
বিনামূল্যে চিকিৎসা পরিষেবার ব্যবস্থা করলো সামশেরগঞ্জের নতুন জীবন হাসপাতাল কর্তৃপক্ষ।
০১:১৯ পিএম, ২ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ শনিবার
আগামীকাল বিজয় সম্মেলনী প্রাতঃভ্রমণে বেরিয়ে মাঠ পরিদর্শনে সাগরদিঘীর বিধায়ক বাইরন বিশ্বাস।
০৬:০১ পিএম, ২০ অক্টোবর ২০২৪ রোববার
Pantas Pangihutan S (Indonesia)
Getting old is a blessing
Long life, put behind the old days
Still alive, and stay cool up to now...
Though eyes getting blurred
But stay in peaceful heart and sharp mind
Collected many things from the past
The string gems of wisdom as their crown
So many lessons of life written in their souls
Grey hairs as a precious reward
Respect the elders and learn from them
So many stories stored in their chest
They are the living pages of life
Unexposed, unheard...
Ask them gently,
and you'll know the secret of life.
© Pantas Pangihutan S
All rights reserved®
বয়স্ক হচ্ছি
পান্তাস পঙ্গিহুতান এস (ইন্দোনেশিয়া)
অনুবাদ: মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ (ভারত)
একটি আশীর্বাদ বৃদ্ধ হওয়া
দীর্ঘ জীবন, পুরানো দিন পিছনে রাখা
এখনও বেঁচে আছো, এবং এখন পর্যন্ত শান্ত থাকো...
যদিও চোখ ঝাপসা হয়ে আসছে
তবে থাকো শান্তিপূর্ণ হৃদয়ে এবং তীক্ষ্ণ মনে
অতীত থেকে করেছি অনেক কিছু সংগ্রহ
তাদের মুকুট হিসাবে জ্ঞানের মাল্য রত্ন
জীবনের এত পাঠ তাদের আত্মায় লিখিত
একটি মূল্যবান পুরস্কার হিসাবে ধূসর চুল
বড়দের সম্মান করো এবং তাদের কাছ থেকে শেখো
তাদের বুকে জমে আছে অনেক গল্পকথা
তারা জীবনের জীবন্ত পাতা
অপ্রকাশিত, অশ্রুত...
তাদের ভদ্রভাবে জিজ্ঞাসা করো,
এবং তুমি জানতে পারবে জীবনের রহস্য।
*এই কবিতাটি ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলায় অনুবাদ করা হয়েছে মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ - এর দ্বারা অরঙ্গাবাদ,মুর্শিদাবাদ, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত থেকে।
(This poem has been translated into Bengali from English by Md Ejaj Ahamed from Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India)
০২:৫২ পিএম, ১৬ অক্টোবর ২০২৪ বুধবার
ফরাক্কার খোদাবন্দপুরে চলন্ত মালগাড়ি থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন বগি! বড়সড় দুর্ঘটনা থেকে রক্ষা
০৪:১৯ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার
Brenda Mohammed
Trinidad is an island paradise with so much to see.
It could take weeks if you have the energy.
There are lovely beaches in Maracas and Mayaro.
Balandra Bay, Salybia Beach Resort, and Tobago.
There are also the North and South Yacht Clubs for entertainment,
With fabulous sea view, jetty, and gourmet restaurants.
Pointe a Pierre Wild Fowl Trust has lovely birds and peacocks.
You’d enjoy fine meals at Chinese, Local, and Indian restaurants.
The diversity of the people is reflected in the numerous festivals.
Each other’s culture is respected by all nationals.
Trinidad and Tobago is a tourist destination.
We have lovely beaches and hotels with international standards
The steelpan is the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago.
You will laugh and jump to the beat of the lyrics of calypsos.
Ride the posh Water Taxis to and from San Fernando and Port of Spain.
At the North and South Academy of Performing Arts, you can enjoy a local play.
Carnival is an unforgettable experience celebrated every year.
Travel on Caribbean Airlines, our national carrier.
Whether you are seeking sea-bathing, nightlife, or culture.
Everyone will find something interesting here.
Copyright@Brenda Mohammed
Bio: Brenda Mohammed, a former Bank Manager from Trinidad and Tobago, is the Founder of the Facebook Forum, ‘How to Write for Success Literary Network.’
Brenda is National President – Trinidad and Tobago for the following organizations:
1. International Chamber of Writers and Artists [CIESART] with headquarters in Spain,
2. Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores with headquarters in Peru.
3. The Global Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence A.C. with headquarters in Mexico.
Brenda is a multi-award-winning author who published 61 books in multiple genres.
Brenda won several literary awards in the USA, Peru, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Nigeria, India, Romania, Argentina, Ukraine, Morocco, Philippines, Oman, Hong Kong, Portugal, Uruguay, Indonesia, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Switzerland, Italy, Sri Lanka, Austria, Russia, Germany, Syria, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Chile, Egypt, Honduras, Mexico, Pakistan, Cuba, China, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Bosnia, Japan, Trinidad and Tobago, and the UK.
১১:০২ এএম, ১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার
Story - Ramblings Over the Tigris
Ramblings Over the Tigris
Abdel Zahra Amara
He took a secluded seat in the river café overlooking the bustling banks of the Tigris, carrying a stack of blank papers and a pencil. His mind swirled with countless thoughts. What should he write about?
He gazed at the calm waters of the Tigris and stretched his sight until it collided with the river's opposite bank. It was evening. The spring weather, the dreamy breezes from the Tigris, lazily tickled the faces. He paid no attention to those seated in front of him or to his sides.
He gently held the pencil, wanting to write something... but what?
He was waiting for something to break the block that prevented him from writing. He set the pencil aside, feeling an overwhelming urge to tear the paper, break the pencil, and leave in a hurry. His thoughts were interrupted by the waiter who said:
"Here you go... cold... tea... lemon?"
Without much thought, he replied, "Tea."
He continued to think and picked up the pencil again, intending to write. However, the breezes brought a feminine scent to his nose, causing his emotions to stir. He looked around, wondering who owned this fragrance, and muttered:
"God, what a wonderful perfume!"
His curiosity grew to find out who this woman was which stirred his feelings and turned his world upside down. He discreetly observed... a young girl in the bloom of youth, with a woman around forty years old, according to his estimation. He watched them until they took seats at a distant table in the café.
Gathering his papers and holding his pencil, he began to write freely, as if inspired:
"Women are three kinds regarding a kiss...
The first blushes when kissed,
The second laugh when kissed,
The third calls the police when kissed."
He paused and thought, "Which type is my wife? I don't know. I wonder which type this nymph in front of me is?"
He stopped for a moment, placed his pencil on the table, and stole another glance at the girl, marvelling at her beauty. A young girl in the prime of her youth, with a round white face, long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, a slender body, and a budding chest. She wore a yellow blouse, a yellow skirt, and yellow shoes. Everything was yellow, even the flower she placed in her braid was yellow. She paid meticulous attention to her appearance and makeup.
He reached into his pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, placed one in his mouth, struck a match, brought it slowly to the cigarette, took a long drag, and exhaled the smoke angrily, muttering:
"Why can't she be my wife, for instance? God has afflicted me with a talkative wife who doesn't care about her clothes, doesn't beautify herself in front of me, and doesn't excite me. Am I not human? Don't I have the right to enjoy this angelic beauty? Why, Lord? I want to live like the rest of my gender, enjoy life, look at my wife, and be drawn to her like the thirst for water."
Doubt crept into his mind. He grabbed the pencil again and started writing, hoping to forget his painful memories with his wife.
"The kiss is the flag of peace between spouses, the banner of love between friends, and the strong magnet that calms the storms of sharpness and anger."
He paused and smiled sarcastically.
"What kiss unites me with my wife? What flag, what banner, what magnet? This talk is nonsense, it doesn't apply to my situation. I wish I hadn't married. But why not follow the other path and divorce?"
Inwardly, he decided, "I have decided to divorce her and marry someone more beautiful. When I return home, I will carry out the decision. Let it be."
His thoughts were interrupted by the girl and her family leaving the café. He stood bewildered. His hungry heart had not been satiated by her beauty, and his eyes had not drunk enough of her charm. He stood there, astonished, and resumed writing:
"Love, this world for which Qays and Layla, Romeo and Juliet, and many others sang."
Finally, he stopped, feeling deceit and lies. He tore the paper and pressed the pencil until it broke. He got up, paid for the tea, and left.
On the bus ride home, he was disgusted with himself. He cursed the pencil and paper, cursed kisses, and cursed women and wives. When he rang the doorbell, the door opened. What did he see behind the door? He couldn't believe it... the beauty of women in front of him. He rubbed his eyes and stared.
"Oh, it's her... in the flesh... the same yellow clothes, the yellow flower in her braid, the same beauty. But what has changed? Am I dreaming? Strange! It's her... God, maybe I got the wrong address... impossible, this is our home. But who brought the café girl to my house?"
His confusion didn't last long as he felt a soft hand pulling him towards her, holding him close to her chest, and saying in a gentle voice:
"I am your wife... your wife... the one you saw in the café. Don't you believe it?"
"You've changed a lot."
"Yes, I've changed a lot. From now on, I'll take care of my appearance for you, my love."
He pulled her close, embraced her, and planted a kiss on her cheek, which made her laugh. He then said:
"My wife belongs to the second type of women."
She shivered and asked, "What type is that?"
He replied with a smile, "The one who laughs when kissed."
By Abdel Zahra Amara
Translated by Faleeha Hassan
০৭:৪০ পিএম, ১৩ আগস্ট ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
Yatti Sadeli
You are the guest of my two eyes
The place where my heart sinks
Therefore I want to sing
Sincere love melody
I want to explore dreams
Which never pulled over
Or stand here
Spell the nearly dead Rainbow couplet
I wrote an elegy
Which I put in the wind
with a poetic touch
And not just inspiration
But there is something unified
Far away in my soul room
And on a lonely roof
Wailing tears hit the door of my heart
The drizzle accelerates the darkness
The sun refuses to shine
And I lost the dew
Washed away by the morning drizzle
No more soles of feet
in my memories of a man
I hope tears
Immediately break away from the embrace of grief
Yatti Sadeli lived in Indonesia. She started her career as a fiction and poetry writer in 1983. Her written works are 15 novels, 42 novelettes, 45 short stories, 80 poems, 24 Story poems and 12 Haikus which have been published in local mass media and international mass media. Several poems are included in World Contemporary Poet vol 2 and Atunis Galaxy Anthology -2025. She Won several writing competitions. She received 8 International literary awards
০৮:৩১ এএম, ২ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
Poem - Borges… Genius Universal Literary Bastion
Borges… Genius Universal Literary Bastion
Dr. Ana María Manuel Rosa
Borges... like a thousand-year-old bird flying over
Flapping with essential literary missionary genius
Liberator of the light of words in poetry
Searching for feeling in the confines of wisdom.
Borges… mind and literature; and a millionaire in scholarship!
Branded frivolous with a smiling face and excellent sense
Of humor… Restless, self-critical and sincere in opinions
Of great clarity. Wisdom of a hundred lives, brilliant mind
Filled with kindness... so unknown to the awards
Nobles; but, the coveted award did not have the great honor
To have awarded you and have you in its delivery history.
Nobel you already were and you will continue to be post-morten.
You won over your readers that; your name has traveled for all
The world with your books on airplanes, ships
And suitcases. That even in airports they have time for you;
Discovering your stories and poems, enjoying them all
The occurrences with which you shaped your books. Your readers
They already judged the great Nobel prize because it escaped them
The great of Argentine literature. You emanated wisdom
And perfection in literature and philosophy. Genius between
The geniuses... Borges catches readers and captivates.
The Argentines and the world didn’t have enough conscience
To understand the size of man "Borges in history
From Universal Literature”. Borges... the writer and the poet
Without equal to; not only did he travel in life but; his work gave
And he will continue to go around the world forever in reading
A must for lovers of the beauty of art in letters!
Your lack was just being blind; but, you flew over the imagination
Of words; mastering your knowledge and cunning
As a writer; you described better than, anyone with magical voices
Which reverberates dazzling avid readers of your books and
Of your vast intelligence, erudition and good sense of humor.
Cervantes… Quevedo… and Borges left indelible marks
In Castilian literature! Borges scholar wise in the management
Of the words with the precise and sober prose of him he pierced
The borders of Argentina, from the American to the international
You will pass for the sake of the history of Universal Literature
Along with Homer, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Alighieri and Goethe!
All rights reserved
Dr. Ana María Manuel Rosa, born in the city of San Rafael in the province of Mendoza (Argentina) on July 26th 1958, is a Bromatologist received at the National University of Cuyo in Argentina, Professor of English as a Second Language received in California USA, Tutor in Virtual Environments received at ITU Technological University Institute from UNCUYO in Argentina, Research and report writing technician (UNCUYO); Project Advisor and Evaluator (DGE General Direction of Schools of Mendoza province), Literary Corrector received in Madrid Spain, Anthologist, Prologue, Translator from Spanish to English and vice versa, Editor and Writer.
The famous writer, novelist, poet, short story writer, researcher, historian and international speaker Ana María Manuel Rosa has three Doctors Honoris Cause, too is Master Honoris Cause. She has the Recognition of the Medal of the Order of Cervantes and the Recognition of the Medal of Kairat Duissenov; she is an Honorary Member of the International Arts Council (IAC); Academic of the World Academy of Culture and Literature AMCL corresponding to Chair 18 and Patron Jorge Luis Borges of Brazil since 05-04-2022; Academic of the International Academy of Arts, Letters and Sciences ALPAS-21 “A palavra do século 21” corresponding to Chair 27 and Patron Hugo Wast of Brazil from 06-24 and 07-29-2022 with double oath; Honorary Member of the Latin American Poets Club; Member of Ciesart 2017105433-AR; Honorary Member of the Union of Writers and Artists of Tarija; Latin American Lady of Poetry; Director of the Mendoza Delegation of the North American Academy of International Modern Literature ANLMI Argentine Republic Chapter from 11-18-2020 to 04-27-2021; Recognition of the Academy of the Government of Gujarat India for Argentina with Motivational Strips of Oman in 2020, 2021 and 2022; Peace Love Member of International Human Rights Organization IHRO; Universal Ambassador of Peace from Universal Circle of Peace Ambassadors (France-Swiss); Universal Ambassador of Culture; Literature Ambassador; International Ambassador for Creativity and Humanity; Cultural Ambassador for the World in Argentina of Ciesart; Women Ambassador Sunflower Culture of Equity; Humanitarian Ambassador; Ambassador of Access to Human Rights International AHRI; Cultural Ambassador of INNER CHILD PRESS of Washington USA for Argentina and South America and International Ambassador of Peace of World Literary Forum for Peace and Human Rights WLFPHR.
She has recently been appointed with the position of Executive Director of Cohesion Cultural Projects: History, Poetry, Arts, Food Science, Education and Creation; Narrative, Biodiversity, Multidisciplinary Gender Equality of the International Sunflower Women and Men Network in Mendoza (Argentina) 2021-2022. A position she appointed on 10-04-2021 for being too busy with her own personal projects, which demand a lot of her time. Too she is General Director of Social Assignments of Ciesart of Barcelona Spain.
On April 14, 2021, she was appointed International Director of Social Theme of Ciesart (Chamber International of Writers and Artists) of Spain (Europe); resigning for personal issues and projects on Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
Too, she is a Foreign Advisor of SURYODAYA of India the literary forum of India for Argentina.
She was a President of Argentina and Spain in the Alliance of Organization of Art, Creativity and Goodwill OACG among Morocco-Argentina-Spain signed with the IFCH International Forum for Creativity and Humanity of Morocco from 02-26-2021 to 09-27-2021; leaving the same to prosecute their own projects.
And she was the Creator and Administrator of the space in the Facebook called Organization of Art, Creativity and Goodwill from Argentina. She is an Honorable Advisor of the forum Poetry and Literature World Vision of Bangladesh. And there are some others forums where she is advisor, moderator and administrator.
Founder and President Lifetime Cultural Literary of the Alliance Italo Hispanic Argentina Artistic Poetic Literary "The Garden of the Poets" since September 21, 2021.
Founder and Lifetime President of Interplanetary Art and Literature "Creative Poetic Inspiration" since October 16, 2021.
Founder and President of the publishing house Ana María Manuel Rosa Editorial.
Too she organized and is a Co-founder and Director of Literature and Community Outreach of A.C.U. Universal Cultural Alliance of Argentina for all over the world.
And she has been honored in life with her name in the creation of the "Dr. Ana María Manuel Rosa" Virtual Popular Library from Facebook to the world fed with books from great world-renowned literatures, Novices writers and other areas of knowledge; being the first library of this nature and the first in the world in homage to a writer in life.
She gives lectures on humanistic and humanitarian topics in defense of the rights of children, women, the elderly, family values, the disappearance of people, sexual slavery, in defense of the environment, scientists, genealogy, education in general, Information and Communication Technologies or ICT for children and adults, literature and creativity among other important topics. Too, she gives talks and lectures to children from elementary schools as well as from secondary schools and the university.
Featured books: "UNSCRUPULOUS II - SEXUAL SLAVERY AND THE DISAPPEARANCE OF PEOPLE" by the Chamber of Senators of the Province of Mendoza (Argentina) declared of interest; "MALVINAS - THE ENDLESS WAR" by the Honorable Deliberative Council of San Rafael (Mendoza) declared of social, educational and community interest; and “TRAVELING BY SULKY” of the Read, Count and Watch Collection declared of interesy by: H. Chamber of Deputies; and H. Chamber of Senators of the Province of Corrientes (Argentina), cultural interest by Cultural Institute of Corrientes, and educational interest by Cultural Ministry of Corrientes.
Dr. Ana María Manuel Rosa is working in the Anthology “Peace, humanity and love for the entire world” that it will be in Spanish, English, French and Italy.
She has participated in more than 160 Anthologies from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad, USA, Albania, Spain, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Taiwan (Spanish, English, Bengali, Hindi and Mandarin Chinese); written in international virtual magazines; she has made presentations on "Sexual slavery, human trafficking and disappearance of people" and "Information and Communication Technologies or ICT"; "Caring for the environment and climate change", "Traditions" and "Cultural identities of peoples", "Against violence and sexual harassment in children"; "Ancestral and current scientific-medical enigmas and mysteries"; interviewed by different media; won international literary competitions; participated in international meetings of face-to-face writers in Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela, and currently in important international meetings on virtual platforms in Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Chile, France, India, Oman, Spain and Mexico. And she has been multi-awarded worldwide with Great Women 2020 awards, Vip Gold Lighthouse 2020, Mendocino Condor and Nevado Solidary 2018 in Argentina; Light to Excellence 2019 in Colombia; declared Distinguished Visitor by the municipalities of Tarija and San Lorenzo in 2019; Woman of letters and Historian in Latin America, Honorary Member of Literature and Outstanding Personality of the year 2019 at the Intercontinental Latin American Gold Awards of Venezuela; Excellence in Literature at the 2019 Latin Music Awards; and Universal Ambassador for Literature, Peace, and Culture in the 2020 Intercontinental Latin American Gold Awards.
She has already published 29 books of the complete authorship of her:
2010 - 1°) “Julián Manuel Santos”
2012 - 2°) “Julián Manuel Santos, his story and of his descendents: history &
photos of the railroad, of Policlinic, of old and new San Rafael and his
natal Medina de Rioseco and of his wife in Tabernas”
2012 - 3°) Poems of “Feelings, longings, values and the path of life and dreams”
2012 - 4°) “Centennial Families: Rosa Rueda & Idañez Pascual”
2014 - 5°) “Rosendo and the secret of his hidden and covert family scams”
2014 - 6°) “True tales of children's adventures: another look”
2014 - 7°) “Egolitra & Caín: Betrayal and the mystery of a secret-Story of
deceptions, lies and betrayals”
2015 - 8°) “Escapes from oppression”
2015 - 9°) “Blanca Giacaman of Méndez- Chronicle of a woman who passed between
thorns and roses”
2017 - 10°) “Spies”
2018 - 11°) “Unprotected”
2018 - 12°) “Unscrupulous I – Without humanity and without feelings”
2018 - 13°) “Unscrupulous II – Sexual slavery and the disappearance of people”
2018 - 14°) “Unscrupulous III – Crows or vultures?”
2018 - 15°) “Neighbors I – Horizontal property”
2018 - 16°) “Neighbors II – Stories behind the mud wall”
2019 – 17º) “My Family Recipes - Simple Recipes”
2019 – 18º) “World bandits I - Banditry, piracy, mafia and drug trafficking: stories,
myths and legends”
2019 – 19º) “World bandits II - Banditry, mafia, maras, gangs and drug trafficking:
stories, myths and legends”
2019 – 20º) “World bandits III - Banditry, mafia and drug trafficking: stories, myths
and legends”
2019 – 21º) “Vietnam - The lost war”
2019 – 22º) “Malvinas – Endless war”
2022 – 23°) “Traveling by sulky” from the Reading, Counting and Watching Collection
2022 – 24°) “Argentina-Indonesia Cultural Poetic Anthology” bilingual Spanish and Indonesian binational exchange with Indonesia and in addition to the Argentine publication there is the publication carried out in Indonesia by Indonesia
2022 – 25°) “Argentina-Indonesia Cultural Poetic Anthology” Spanish version published in Argentina
2022 – 26°) “Anthology Argentina” The end of the world – own anthology version in Spanish
2022 – 27°) “Anthology Argentina” The end of the world – anthology and own translation English version
2024 – 28ª) “Anthology Peace, Love and Humanity for the world” is working in this because is in process own anthology version in Spanish
2024 – 29ª) “Anthology Peace, Love and Humanity for the world” is working in this because is in process anthology and own translation English version
Poem made songs: three (3)
2021 – 1ª) Song with the poem “Mujer Girasol” (“Sunflower woman”) the music, the composition of the music and the singer is Delia Martìnez from Venezuela and the letter in Spanish is from the Poem “Sunflower woman”.
2021 – 2ª) Song with the poem “La poesìa” (“The Poetry”) the music, the composition of the music of Roberto Saldanha and the singer is Katia Rìos from Brasil and the letter in Spanish is from the Poem “The Poetry”.
2024 – 3ª) Song with the poem “La paz” (“The Peace”) the music, the composition of the music of Roberto Salda
nha and the singer is Katia Rìos from Brasil and the letter in Spanish is from the Poem “The Peace”.
০৮:২৯ এএম, ২ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
দীপঙ্কর বর্মন ও মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ
গোসাবাতেে সামুদ্রিক মৎস্যজীবিদের জন্য মৎস্য ট্রেনিং
দীপঙ্কর বর্মন ও মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ
গোসাবা, ১০ই জুলাই ২০২৪: গোসাবার দক্ষিণবঙ্গ মৎস্যজীবি ফোরামের আহবায়ক দিবাকর শাসমলের উদ্যোগে সুন্দরবনের তপশিলি জাতি /তপশিলি উপজাতি মৎস্যজীবিদের জন্য জৈব নিরাপত্তা ও ব্যাক্তিগত স্বাস্থ্য বিধির উপর ধারাবাহিক প্রশিক্ষণ কর্মসূচী শুরু হয়। স্থানীয় বিশিষ্ট শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষীদের উপস্থিতির মাঝ্যমে (The Marine Products Export Development Authority ,Regional Division ,Kolkata) এর যথাক্রমে Atanu Ray ,State co-ordinator (NETFISH)
Sahadeb Das,HDC (Kakdwip Fishing Harbour) তাঁদের মূল্যবাণ প্রশিক্ষণ প্রক্রিয়া শুরু করেন। সহদেব দাস স্বাস্থ বিধি সহ মৎস্য সংরক্ষণকারী ও গুনমান কীভাবে বৃদ্ধি করতে হয় তা পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খরূপে আলোকপাত করেন। বিদেশের বাজারে মাছের রপ্তানি করে দেশে বৈদেশিক মূদ্রা আমদানি করে দেশকে সমৃদ্ধ করা যায়। সেক্ষেত্রে মৎস্যজীবিদের সংরক্ষনের গুরুত্ব অপরিসীম। এই প্রক্রিয়া সঠিকভাবে হলে মৎস্যজীবিদের অর্থনৈতিক শ্রী বৃদ্ধিও ঘটবে বলে অনেকে মনে করেন। অতনু রা বলেন একই কথা এবং সামুদ্রিক লুপ্তপ্রায় মাছ ও প্রাণীদের নিধনরোধ ও ভারসাম্য রক্ষা প্রভৃতি বিষয়ে আলোকপাত করেন। মৎস্যজীবিদের স্বার্থ রক্ষা মালিকানা মেরিন লাইসেন্স ইত্যাদি বিষয়ে সচেতনতা ও সহযোগীতার আশ্বাস দেন । উপস্থিত মৎস্যজীবিদের প্রত্যেককে প্রয়োজনীয় fishing ও মৎস্য সংরক্ষণ সামগ্রী ও সার্টিফিকেট প্রদান করা হয়। সকাল ১০ টা থেকে বিকাল ৪টা পর্যন্ত প্রশিক্ষণ পর্ব চলে।
১১:১৮ এএম, ১১ জুলাই ২০২৪ বৃহস্পতিবার
কবিতা - একটা তুমি
একটা তুমি
ফারহানা আহাসান
একটা গল্প ছুঁয়ে দিলে
তোমার কলমের আঁচড়ে,
কোন এক বিকেলের আকাশে
উড়ে চলে যায় ভালোবাসার গাঙচিল
তুমি শুধু আমার মনের মাঝারে।
ক্ষণে ক্ষণে তেমায় কল্পনাতে রাখি
কিছু কিছু স্বপ্ন বুনেছি এক প্রহরের রৌদ্রমাখা হৃদয়ে
চারিদিকে কী সুন্দর ফুলের ছোঁয়া
তুমি আমার কড়ারী
হেঁটে হেঁটে বহুদূর প্রিয়সী।
যখনই দেখি কোন খামখেয়ালীতে
ঐ দুটি চোখ যেন চেয়ে রয় মাতালে
শুধু শুধু সুবাসের আবদারে
আমি চাই শুধু তুমিটাকে পাশে।
অদ্ভুত সব চারিদিক
পুরো বছর যেন কাঁশফুলের আবেশে
একটা তুমি আছো পুরো জীবন মাঝে।
কবি পরিচিতি:
ফারহানা আহাসান (FARHANA AHASAN)
ফারহানা আহাসান একজন কবি এবং লেখক।
জন্ম- ১৬ সেপ্টেম্বর। বাবা- মরহুম নাজমুল আহসান, মা- ফরহাদ জাহান। তিন বোন ও এক ভাই। স্বামী- মেজর মোহাম্মদ আশরাফুল আলম (রিটায়ার্ড)। এক ছেলে মোহাম্মদ ফাইয়াদ আলম ও এক মেয়ে আরিশা আলম।
শৈশব ও কৈশোর কেটেছে ঢাকায়। বাবার চাকরির সুবাদে বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলের থাকর সুযোগ হয়েছে। বর্তমানে ঢাকায় বসবাস করছেন পরিবারের সাথে। বিবিএ করেছেন UODA (University of Development Alternative)(2010)। পাশাপাশি কম্পিউটারের উপর প্রশিক্ষণ নিয়েছেন। DISM (Diploma In Information System Management) 2005, and Graphics 3D Max (2005)।
তিনি অবসর কাটান লেখালেখি ও আবৃত্তি চর্চা করে। প্রিয় রং সাদা ও আকশী। শখ করে আবৃত্তি চর্চা করেন, ডিজিটাল বিষয়ক চর্চা রাখেন ও আলোকচিত্র ধারণ করা। তিনি বর্তমানে পেশায় একজন গৃহিণী। তবে আজীবন লেখালেখি করে কাটাতে চান।
০৩:৫৯ পিএম, ২৪ জুন ২০২৪ সোমবার
Ruki Kočan
The Netherlands
That miracle, irresistible,
... Nur interior.
A wonderful spell of love.
Crystal shine.
Pure, without any compromise.
...A river, eternal.
From the heart and soul,
Dance of light.
A rhapsody of images.
And Harmony of Truth.
Love, a gift from Above.
Spawned by an enigma
Verticals of spirit.
... I will be.
Eternal Spark of Light.
A timeless whisper,
cosmic silence.
Not conditioned by anything.
Song of the heart,... intuitive
A prophetess.
... Divine,
Rhapsody of harmony
Prof. Ruki Kocan, born in 1961.
in Montenegro, ex. Yugoslavia.
He graduated from
Department of History
literature of the people and
of Yugoslavia,
at Philosophical
faculty of the University
in Sarajevo.
He is a three-time honorary Doctor of Literature.
He completed the prestigious Bachelor's degree in Modern and Natural Medicine.
International Holistic Complementary Medicine Therapist.
Altruist, spiritual poet, laureate, thinker and philosopher, writer, literary critic and essayist, translator and metaphysician.
Famous laureate cosmic patriot, honorable poet of heart and soul, Haiku of verses and spells of unconditional love and light, - hidden emotions and nectar of the poetics of nature ... Erudite, magician and visionary - metaphysician of soul, love, life and death. A metaphysician of the irresistible spell of silence, - the sounds of vibrations of Truth, morality and ontology of being, and the enigma of cosmic light.
Gifted timeless poet of peace, maestro of sublime caresses of heart and soul, and new scientific spirituality.
A virtuosically marvelous cosmic poet of Tesla's spirit, love and golden strings.
He is represented as an author - in large and numerous international literary magazines, historical anthologies, and the holder of hundreds of
elite world recognitions, awards, prestigious diplomas and awards.
The most popular poet on Facebook, 2024,
Robindranath Tagore, Poet of the Day, Poet of the Week, Poet of the Month...
Letras Del Corazon.
Multiple World Gold Ambassador of Love, Art, Culture and Peace.
Winner of an impressive number of world prestigious awards: Golden Feather, Golden Star, Golden Plaque, Golden Eagle, Golden Pen, Golden Seagull, Silver Shield, Magic Feather, Plaque of Honor, Prince of Poetry...,etc.
Among other numerous awards and recognitions, are
and the renowned International Prizes for Literary Innovation Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Pablo Neruda, William Shakespeare, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Franz Kafka, Ernest Hemigway, Miguel Cervantes... of the Institute of Culture and Arts from Colombia.
Grand Ambassador of the UNION OF LATINO AMERICAN WRITERS (UHE) Dr. Carlos Garrido Chalén.
Today he lives and works in the Netherlands.
০৮:১৬ এএম, ৩০ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
অবশেষে একশো দিনের টাকা পাচ্ছেন শ্রমিকরা।
০৭:৫৬ পিএম, ১ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ সোমবার
জাতীয় লোক আদালতে একদিনে সাড়ে চার হাজার মামলার নিষ্পত্তি, বীরভূমে
০৯:৪৩ পিএম, ৯ মার্চ ২০২৪ শনিবার
অর্ধ নগ্ন অবস্থায় ভুট্টার ক্ষেত থেকে এক গৃহবধুর দেহ উদ্ধার
১০:১১ পিএম, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
ইটভাটা থেকে নবমশ্রেণীর ছাত্রীর মৃতদেহ উদ্ধার ঘিরে চাঞ্চল্য
০৯:১৫ পিএম, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
বাড়ির পাশের বাঁশবাগানে বন্দুক হাতে এক কিশোর ও এক তরুনের ছবি ভাইরাল সোশ্যাল মিডিয়ায়,চাঞ্চল্য হরিশ্চন্দ্রপুরে
০৯:০৫ পিএম, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
বাড়ি থেকে প্রায় এক কিলোমিটার দূরে এক যুবকের গুলিবিদ্ধ মৃত উদ্ধার
০৮:৫৮ পিএম, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
বাংলা বিহার সীমান্তবর্তী এলাকা থেকে স্বর্ণকারের গাড়ি আটকে ছিনতাই
০৬:৫১ পিএম, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ বুধবার
টানা প্রায় দশ বছর ধরে একটি সরকারি গ্রন্থাগারে ঝুলছে তালা
০৮:০৯ পিএম, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ সোমবার
রাজ্য সরকার নির্দেশ অনুসারে চলছে দুয়ার রেশনের। সেই রেশন চালে মিলছে ইঁদুরের মল ও পোকা
০৯:০১ পিএম, ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪ রোববার
- অনুষ্ঠিত হলো স্বপ্নের ভেলা সাহিত্য পত্রিকা উৎসব-২০২৫
- বছরের শুরুতেই পারদ পতন
- Poem - Echoes in Empty Rooms
- আমেরিকার অর্থ মন্ত্রকের সিস্টেমে চিনা হ্যাকার হানা
- Poem - I Remember
- Poems
- Joint Mock Drill on Disaster Management Held at NTPC Farakka
- Poem - The Calligraphic Blood Pen
- Poem - If You`re Poetry
- অর্জুনের বাড়িতে হাজির হল পুলিশ
- Short Biography, English Poems of Md Ejaj Ahamed And German Translation
- Poem - The Highest And the Pure Love
- Poem - The Gift
- Poem - Her Love
- Poem - Separated after Meeting!
- Poem - Your Full Moon City
- কবিতা - তোমাকে...
- দিনদর্পণ পত্রিকার সাহিত্য সম্মেলন ও কবিতা সংকলন প্রকাশ
- Poems
- Poems
- Poems
- Poem - Following Love
- Poem - Following Love
- শুটিং চলছে মুর্শিদাবাদের ছেলে দাউদ হোসেন পরিচালিত সিনেমা লোন-এর
- একক অধ্যায়ে...:একটি সনেট
- ৬ই ডিসেম্বর: ২০২৪-এর ডাক
- হাউসনগর প্রতিবন্ধী উন্নয়ন সমিতির অনুষ্ঠান
- একগুচ্ছ কবিতা
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`