Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi (Pakistan)
প্রকাশিত: ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ০৮ ০৮ ৪৪
The Delicious Food Of Paradise
Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi (Pakistan)
In deep silence, it was a very cold winter evening.
Like cotton balls,across the sky,،clouds were scattered.
The birds were flying against the wind.
I was traveling in a valley with the bale of necessities.
In which food items were also included.
Sat under a tree due to fatigue.
And slowly I built a hearth of stones
Gathered wood and lit a fire.
Nearby I took water in a pot from the flowing stream
And happily started making tea.
Seeing the heat of the fire,
Some wild animals and birds came.
They sat around the hearth near me.
And started enjoying the warmth of the fire.
It was as if they were familiar with me.
I was sipping hot tea.
And I was enjoying this situation in my heart.
I felt the intensity of their hunger in my heart.
Immediately opened the bale،
And distributed the food items among them.
They got busy eating
After eating quickly, they started dancing happily.
This way of their happiness made me happy too.
If you will make the people of the earth happy and feed the needy.
Allah Almighty will make you happy،
And bless you with the delicious food of Paradise.
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi
It was dusk and the entire forest was silent
Suddenly the cuckoo started singing for a moment.
There I saw a lot of monkeys by flowing stream,
They communicated through grunt and scream.
Used all four limbs to leap from tree to tree,
Mentally they seemed very happy and free.
Lived both in the tree and on the ground,
Physically they were tricky, skillful and sound.
Fought for each other and took care of one another,
Spent lot of time together and ate together.
Some monkeys were gentle and some were aggressive,
While some were naughty and some were very pensive.
They were known for their playful and energetic Nature,
Carried their babies on their shoulders and did nurture.
Often had a sense of humor and liked to make others laugh,
They conveyed a message of peace and security on their behalf.
A Majestic Lion
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi
While strolling in the green lush forest,
Where I saw a lion that was the loveliest.
He had pointed ears and sharp claws,
With long tail lufted end and four paws.
In the cat family,seemed a large mammal,
He was sound, scary and majestic animal.
Had thick mane around neck and head,
Daily slept up to many hours a day on his bed.
He always ran fast to catch his fresh prey,
Pleased to take naps,hunt,stare and play.
Ate deers,stags,zebras,cows and antelope,
Avoided hopelessness and clings to hope,
His roar could be heard as far as away,
Didn't bargain on his dignity night and day.
No one dared to look in to his thick eyes,
Seeing him،spontauueously every one would cries
He was considered as powerful king of jungle,
Against all kinds of adversity, had to struggle .
A Rooster
Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi
I saw a beautiful rooster in a green place,
Which always fluttered with a lot of grace.
Crest was on his head which Allah blessed,
In inky black and golden he was dressed.
He had a brown rough and sharp claw,
All others worked under his oversaw.
At intervals,drank water and chewed grain,
With strong wings,he was happy in the rain.
He was in love with his lovely spouse,
Himself ate less and fed her more in house
Daily slept on time and crowed on time,
Aha! he was getting past his prime.
In his voice there was no crack
Didn't look weak, coward and slack.
Differentiated between familiar and unfamiliar,
Preferred a good friend and hated a liar.
Liked to follow someone 's good advice,
He Always seemed ready to sacrifice.
Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi (Islamabad, Kahuta, Pakistan)
He is a world recognized poet and writer. He writes in English languages and an active member of various literary and creative platforms. His writings are part of several international and national magazines, journals, anthologies and newspapers. He has won many awards in his write ups.Resently won 3rd place in official international literary competition named Friedrich von shiller from Germany 2024.
*Collected from the poet by Md Ejaj Ahamed*
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