জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

বৃহস্পতিবার   ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫   ফাল্গুন ৮ ১৪৩১   ২১ শা'বান ১৪৪৬

জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা



প্রকাশিত: ১২ আগস্ট ২০২৪ ১৮ ০৬ ৫৬  






Sometimes lonely, tired and hurt lovers meet, but sometimes, just sometimes meet, but sometimes, only sometimes.

Sometimes they share their pain, suffering, mistreatment and blessing.

Mistreatment and blessed deception, sometimes, just sometimes.

Then fate plays with its invisible threads and

You cross them, but sometimes, only sometimes.

And they cry, opening their hearts, wiping away the dried tears, within their dry tears, inside her cracked soul; then they scream in despair at his abandonment, sometimes, just sometimes.

Sometimes they long for the warmth of good company and long for love, sometimes, but only sometimes.

Suddenly they discover their demons and angels along with the dreams they thought were lost.

The dreams that they think are lost, sometimes, just sometimes.

Sometimes these hermit loves, deep inside, long for a bonfire and intertwine their souls.

And they intertwine their souls, but sometimes, only sometimes.

With fear they hold hands and with fear they begin to walk. They are inexperienced creatures, they want to believe again and heal, sometimes, just sometimes. Sometimes.




Name: Martha Janet Torres Amortegui, Pseudonym: Laskiaf Amortegui.

She is a writer, poet, speaker, grandmother, author of the novel ‘La Jaula De Las Mariposas’, a dramatic novel that tells the story of five women and their environment, is one of the bestselling works of its kind on Amazon. When it comes to writing, she faces her biggest rival: her dyslexia, but her mentor encouraged her to publish her lyrics, which have brought her international recognition, awards and prizes in poetry and narrative. Many of her writings have been translated into other languages. At this point in her life, her family and her writing are her greatest loves. You can find her on social networks as: Laskiaf Amortegui facebook and Laskiaf_escritora on instagram.

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