Brenda Mohammed
প্রকাশিত: ১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ ১১ ১১ ২৯
Brenda Mohammed
Trinidad is an island paradise with so much to see.
It could take weeks if you have the energy.
There are lovely beaches in Maracas and Mayaro.
Balandra Bay, Salybia Beach Resort, and Tobago.
There are also the North and South Yacht Clubs for entertainment,
With fabulous sea view, jetty, and gourmet restaurants.
Pointe a Pierre Wild Fowl Trust has lovely birds and peacocks.
You’d enjoy fine meals at Chinese, Local, and Indian restaurants.
The diversity of the people is reflected in the numerous festivals.
Each other’s culture is respected by all nationals.
Trinidad and Tobago is a tourist destination.
We have lovely beaches and hotels with international standards
The steelpan is the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago.
You will laugh and jump to the beat of the lyrics of calypsos.
Ride the posh Water Taxis to and from San Fernando and Port of Spain.
At the North and South Academy of Performing Arts, you can enjoy a local play.
Carnival is an unforgettable experience celebrated every year.
Travel on Caribbean Airlines, our national carrier.
Whether you are seeking sea-bathing, nightlife, or culture.
Everyone will find something interesting here.
Copyright@Brenda Mohammed
Bio: Brenda Mohammed, a former Bank Manager from Trinidad and Tobago, is the Founder of the Facebook Forum, ‘How to Write for Success Literary Network.’
Brenda is National President – Trinidad and Tobago for the following organizations:
1. International Chamber of Writers and Artists [CIESART] with headquarters in Spain,
2. Unión Hispanomundial de Escritores with headquarters in Peru.
3. The Global Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence A.C. with headquarters in Mexico.
Brenda is a multi-award-winning author who published 61 books in multiple genres.
Brenda won several literary awards in the USA, Peru, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Nigeria, India, Romania, Argentina, Ukraine, Morocco, Philippines, Oman, Hong Kong, Portugal, Uruguay, Indonesia, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Switzerland, Italy, Sri Lanka, Austria, Russia, Germany, Syria, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Chile, Egypt, Honduras, Mexico, Pakistan, Cuba, China, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Bosnia, Japan, Trinidad and Tobago, and the UK.
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