জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

বৃহস্পতিবার   ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫   ফাল্গুন ৮ ১৪৩১   ২১ শা'বান ১৪৪৬

জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

Article Title: lazreg Saany

Mohamed Rahal (Algeria)

প্রকাশিত: ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ০৯ ০৯ ২৭  

Article Title: lazreg saany
Mohamed Rahal (Algeria)

One of the most famous poetic texts written about love in the history of folklore. This poem dates back to the folklore of Touat, west of the Algerian desert. The story of the poem: The poem begins by addressing Al-Azraq, which is a metaphor for the pigeon. There is a paradox in the opening. The poet declares that Al-Azraq, which is the pigeon, has possessed him. He addresses him as a companion: He asks him to take his message to “Masouda”, the subject of the poem, which he describes as the joy of his soul. The pride of mind. This enchantress whose love remained a hidden secret, which destroyed him from within and caused him madness. Then he moves on to address her, saying that your love has worn me out, for I have become a garment of a door. He describes her as slender and graceful, wearing a veil, as if she were the sun behind the clouds, shining for my balance. She is completely charming with her beauty and behavior, with beauty and dignity, with a moderate stature indicated by the moderation of her necklace, salty for a necklace. If she goes out in front of men, she leaves behind fires, including the fire that the poet hides inside him. She has thick hair. She covers it with perfumes and oils that nourish and strengthen it. Salty for my dear ones. Her eyebrows are like the letter Nun, two opposite Nuns of the Quran. Her eyes have magical signs and her teeth are clear, beautiful, and her saliva heals from illness. Then he asks God, the Creator, the Fashioner, to make it easy for him to meet her if he has a lawful share in her. Among the famous arts in the Touat region is the Shalali drum, an art in its own right that inherited the solid traditions of poetry coupled with drum sessions run by sheikhs who take the art from sheikhs who inherited it from their ancestors, all the way back to its first founder, the poet Mohamed El Mazouzi Shalali, named after Shalala Dhahara. In the state of El Bayadh in El Bayadh. He is a poet who migrated to the Touat region and stayed there for a period of time. He had a literary, social, cultural and religious presence and communicated with the sheikhs of the zawiyas in the region and left his artistic fingerprints that are still evident to this day. Among the sheikhs of the Shalali drum at the time were many, including Sheikh Al-Khalfi, Abdelmalek Harzaoui and Hajj Alal. Poem lyrics:

Lazarq and my companion, give me my address ***

Salty to my precious ones, visit Masouda, your love has made me crazy, and from your passion you have increased my madness, your love has sprinkled me, oh, the one who has poured out my balance ***

The wound of the charmer and complete with beauty and descriptions, your love has sprinkled me, and from your passion you have increased my madness, beauty and sobriety are described in you, the Khalâlah*****

Prominent for men, fluent in my mouth, the smoke of your love has sprinkled me, and from your passion you have increased my madness, the salt of the cruiser, and men are driven by it ***

Salty to my necklace, fluent in my heart, the smoke of your love has sprinkled me, and from your passion you have increased my madness, you have wandered with your stick and precious ones ***

Your forehead is shining, and the eyebrows are two connected Nûns, your love has sprinkled me, and from your passion you have increased my madness, the eye is dimpled, you have possessed me, the pure sigh ***

The flag of its saliva shines I am innocent of your love, I am sprinkled with your passion, I have become more foolish, Nour Ziwani, and whoever sees a shining light ***

The thigh is a bracelet in the mosques of the Sultan, your love sprinkled me, I have become more foolish, the caustic line in her chest is slender and equal*****

And the middle is empty, and from it we do not clear, it is impossible, your love sprinkled me, I have become more foolish, and I wanted a question about you, you owned me, the ring of lightning ***

For the daughter of the student, in the morning, the star of dawn, your love sprinkled me, and I have become more foolish, we ask our generous Lord, the Creator, the Most High*****

He gathers our meeting, except for a section in the gazelle, permissible, your love sprinkled me, and I have become more foolish, we will achieve my goal, God willing, and we will return to my country **

By the sanctity of my master, and by the sanctity of Adnan, your love is my love, and I have become more foolish, an explanation of some vocabulary and expressions: Lazraq: a nickname given to the pigeon Saani: Be broad-minded (bear with me) A little) Saani: My title possessed me: A message Malah Lghwali: A pleasant smell Zahw Al Bal: It opens the chest Jojani: It shook my conscience and entered into the depths of the heart Rashani: Bribery: A degree of fatigue Haifa: A tall woman Daraq Lamzani: Daraq: She hides her beauty (veiled) Al Mazn: The clouds meaning like the sun hidden by the clouds Al Razanah: The peak of calmness Fluent in

*Collected from the author by Md Ejaj Ahamed*

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