জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

বৃহস্পতিবার   ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫   ফাল্গুন ৮ ১৪৩১   ২১ শা'বান ১৪৪৬

জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা


প্রকাশিত: ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ০৯ ০৯ ১৯  

The No Blind Mind that Can Judge for the Eyes
James Tian

Building relationships through deception,
Whether life is lost or not depends on luck.
Turning life and death into a mere sigh—
“This is fate”,
All just to prove that line:
“There’re no eternal friends, only eternal interests”…

Struggling in a world without trust or boundaries,
Yet those who don’t feel tired,
Taking the ideal of “mutual help and never deceiving each other”,
As a drug to numb themselves into enduring the darkness.
Those who do feel exhausted,
Turning the question of “When will people truly help each other and never deceive”,
Into their endless tears of lament and sadness.

If things always remain this way,
Then what is the hidden “meaning” behind it all?
To keep breathing is merely to wait,
For the candle of life to burn out!

If from the beginning,
It was all just about “drawing circles”,
And no one ever thought about the purpose,
Then this “beginning” was nothing but a joke—
That’s it, if clever you still have a doubt?

When “City Lights” Tease the “Moonlight”
James Tian

I love the night,
For it lets the whole world fall silent with me.
Footsteps fade along the empty streets,
Yet the gentle song lingers, still in many dreams.

I love the dark,
For it quiets all desires which are reckless.
Hatred softens in its presence,
While kindness is almost exaggerated.

I love everything,
For too many reasons feel like none at all,
Everything, every moment, feels so near,
And when I realize that I, too, exist…

There’s only one reason why “moonlight”,
Can never embrace the “city lights”:
The unknown harbors evils beyond your imagination;
The familiar conceals goodness beyond your reach.

The Beginning Is the End
James Tian

The rock said to the ocean:
You may embrace so much,
Yet you can never measure your own trend.

The ocean said to the rock:
You may have endured the longest time,
Yet you can never foresee your final end.

To possess at the start,
Is to fracture;
Only emptiness at the end,
Can be called complete in nature…

Living, merely finding satisfaction in suffering;
Dying, simply finding equality in departure.

The Mind is Asleep While the Eyes Are Awake
James Tian

From slumber to waking,
Each opening and closing of the eyes,
Repeats the journey of birth and death.

Human perception lingers beyond thought,
What we grow accustomed to,
Soon feels inevitable—an unchosen path.

Unveiling hidden mysteries
Is much like explaining the weight of silence—
Clearly understood, yet never fully grasped…

The state of the body collapsing at death,
Viewed as the realization of "superiority" and "conquest",
Is the reason for the executioner's existence.

*Collected from the poet by Md Ejaj Ahamed*

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