জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

বৃহস্পতিবার   ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫   ফাল্গুন ৮ ১৪৩১   ২১ শা'বান ১৪৪৬

জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা


Dr. Zainul Husain

প্রকাশিত: ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ০৯ ০৯ ৫৫  

Dr. Zainul Husain

Beyond this window
Very far
My dream lover resides.
He is overjoyed
Stealing my sleep
From my restless eyes.

Beyond this window
There is a world
That celebrates love
Full of embracing
And kissing so much.

But since he left
Me alone
I bear the pain
Of his separation's thorn.

With a heavy heart
And curious eyes
I breathe in agony
And emanates sighs.

©® Dr. Zainul Husain,

Dr.Zainul Husain

When our heart
Is broken
And courage
Is no more
A hope of
A blooming dawn
Delights our soul
To the core.

Strive once again
With a heart
Never to yield
Remember, we are
Soldiers in this world
And our life is
A battlefield.

That's true
We can't always win
Nor can we be happy
All the time
Remember, without the notes
Of failures and defeats
There will be no charm
In our worldly rhyme.

©®Dr.Zainul Husain

About the Poet:
Dr. Zainul Husain, an English language teacher from Bareilly, a city of an indian state Uttar Pradesh,  holds master’s degrees in English Literature and Philosophy. A passionate poet, his works have earned numerous global accolades, including the Gujrat Sahitya Academy Award, Global Pen Award (Syria), and the Golden Feather Award (Syria). His poetry collection, Spring of Love, was published in 2023. Dr. Husain has contributed to various national and international anthologies, such as Just For You, Cosmic Poetry, Chauceberries Garden, Modern Writers and Hyperpoem, a Guinness World Record-making project. He has also received honorary doctorates for his significant contributions to literature and humanity.

*Collected from the poet by Md Ejaj Ahamed*

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