Poem - I Flow Like A River
প্রকাশিত: ১ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ ০৮ ০৮ ৪৬
I Flow Like A River
Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda (India)
I am cheerful ever and flow like a river
Readily accepting all in sun and shower
I carve my own path, I am strong
I'm open to all who ever come along
My path is long, and my journey unsung
Alone though, I'm attuned to sing my song
I pursue my love forever in my mission
And move along before my day is done.
©®P.K, India.
All rights reserved.
আমি নদীর মত প্রবাহিত হই
ড. প্রফুল্ল কুমার পান্ডা
অনুবাদ: মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ (ভারত)
আমি চির প্রফুল্ল এবং নদীর মত যাই বয়ে
রোদ এবং ঝরনা সব সহজে গ্রহণ করে
আমি আমার নিজের পথ খোদাই করি, আমি বলিষ্ঠ
যারা কখনও আসে তাদের জন্য আমি উন্মুক্ত
আমার পথ দীর্ঘ, এবং আমার যাত্রা অ- গীতকীর্তিত
যদিও একা, আমি আমার গান গাইতে অভ্যস্ত
আমি চিরকাল আমার ভালবাসা অনুসরণ করি আমার মিশনে
আর আমার দিন শেষ হওয়ার আগে এগিয়ে যায় সামনে।
*এই কবিতাটি ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলায় অনুবাদ করা হয়েছে মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ - এর দ্বারা অরঙ্গাবাদ, মুর্শিদাবাদ, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত থেকে।
(This poem has been translated into Bengali from English by Md Ejaj Ahamed from Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India)
Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda, MA, M.Phi., Ph.D (b. 1978..) A teacher by profession and a poet by passion, Dr. Panda's poetic trajectory traverses across human life, society and beyond. His wide range of verses delve into intricacies of human relationship diving in its myriad shades of love, passion, emotion, mortality and death. At times he becomes otherworldly when he takes his readers on a poetic flight into the cosmic world of Nature and sketches a picturesque portrayal of its beauty and bounty. Exploration of socio- cultural and political avenues is yet another hallmark of his poetry. Like a mystic he never fails to surprise by blending the concrete with the abstract, the near with the far and the material with the spiritual.
For Dr. Panda , poetry is not merely a tapestry of letters but each word is a microcosm of the whole that opens the windows of eternal bliss and contentment. That poetry must be moulded in purest and sincere emotions and poetic sensibility in divine nature constitutes his poetic spirit. His poetry celebrates both free and rhymed verse though the later often dominates the poetic structure. His preferred genre is Tercinnet ( 4- three lined verse followed by a couplet while rhyming together or alternatively).
Dr Panda is a widely published poet. His poems have been published in various national and international anthologies, magazines and online platforms and translated to other languages too. He has published a collection of poetry named “Bounty of Silence: Verses Unveiling the Songs of Soul”, and edited an inter-continental anthology “Beyond the Horizon”. He is the Recipient of 'Dr B. R. Ambedkar Lifetime Achievement Award'; 'Golden Pen Award 2023' & 'The Ambassador of Peace' from Global Writers Academy; 'The Christmas Literary Honours 2023' from Motivational Strips; 'Outstanding Poet of the Year 2023' from The Temple of Impeccable Writers; and 'The Poet of the Year 2023 & 2024' from The International Poetry and 'The Poet of the Year 2023' from African Poetry Giant. 'The Poet of Nature' award from Global Nation. Besides these, he is the recipient of more than 500 national and international Appreciations on his poetry writing. He hails from Balasore, Odisha, India.
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