ন্যাশনাল প্রেসিডেন্ট এমকে ফাইজির গ্রেপ্তারের প্রতিবাদে সামশেরগঞ্জে পথসভা SDPI এর ফের সামশেরগঞ্জের হাউস নগর ১২ নম্বর জাতীয় সড়কে পথদুর্ঘটনা, অল্পের জন্য রক্ষা গাড়িচালকের জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

রোববার   ০৯ মার্চ ২০২৫   ফাল্গুন ২৫ ১৪৩১   ০৯ রমজান ১৪৪৬

জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা



প্রকাশিত: ২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ০৯ ০৯ ৩৮  


We are in the middle of many wars.

We go towards the trees of something that only seems like a dream... where we imagine children playing in peace and galloping on sweet horses, because there are still mountains.

We are going towards the goal to raise a white flag, waved with songs because there is still air.

There are wars over water, oil, territory, hunger, ambition, selfishness and life.

The sadness was no longer light.

Fear contemplates children without a crib...

If peace were a woman, then she would fall in love with a man and have fairer sons and happier girls.

It would have greenery of hope with more habitat for animals.

There would then be more work, savings in the economy to enjoy prosperity as a family.

He wouldn't have the smell of death nor would he bleed to death in the streets looking for a lifeless bird.

If I were a woman I would seek the hand of man to annihilate death.

But we see her silent.

Peace, silently cries, bitterly cries, while the wild perfume buries great and small without honors.

If peace were a woman, then she would have the heart of a mother and huge arms to protect.

He would open his enormous eyes and his lips would burst with love on the earth!

It would have a glow of joy for children to dance, without hunger, thirst, or orphanhood.

The songs of men and women would be one for the freedom to live in peace.

The hidden traps would only have destroyed weapons and food would be for everyone.

If I were a woman, no one would pour anymore 

his brother's blood, for no reason.

If peace were a woman, the world would be a field of fountains of golden spikes, stretched out in the sun.

A Planet of love where there is equality and equity for all.

believing that the stars were not necessary and that a snowfall would not dry out the sea.

Because if peace were a woman, she would wear a white blouse today, she would listen to her heart.

He would sleep on the banks of the river.

I would wake up on the highest peak to contemplate the world.

If peace were a woman, she would fall in love with a man, they would have sons and daughters and instead of making wars, they would make the "Tikún: of love

About the Poetess:
Alondra Gutiérrez Vargas was born in Costa Rica. She is a singer-songwriter, writer, poet, actress and humanist.To date, she has produced 25 original albums and 18 published books, more than 1500 videos. She was named Favorite Daughter of Puntarenas since August 11, 2011 by the Puntarenas Municipality. She got Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Madrid. She got Doctor Honoris Causa of the Academy of Fine Arts of Mexico, Peace Singer Spain 2024.

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