Poem - Splashing With Light
Splashing With Light
Raisa Melnikova
From the darkness of dead letters
My word appeared
Messenger of living being,
Taking off
Their past covers
And sharpen the protruding edges.
This word
Hovered over flowering fields
All-seeing winged dragonfly
And, wandering
River banks,
Brought passion
Undying heat.
It covered the world
A stream of inspiration
And fit
Sunshine in hand
And echoed
Singing of the universe,
Splashing with light in the eternity river.
© Raisa Melnikova, Vilnius, Lithuania
Raisa Melnikova is a poet, prose writer, publicist, and translator.she lives in Lithuania, in Vilnius. She is the authoress of 35 books. Poems and prose were published in more than a hundred almanacs around the world and translated into other languages. He is a member of international writers' unions, secretary and vice-president of MLATT/ILACT. Academician MARLEY. Laureate of 14 International competitions and festivals. She was awarded many medals and insignia for her literary activities.
০৭:৫৭ পিএম, ১৩ আগস্ট ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
Poem - My Life
My life
Faleeha Hassan
My mother was in a hurry,
She didn’t dress me in the silk of her love
My father, on the other hand is gone
My brother followed his steps
What the matter of this family
They didn't bother to put some drops of honey,
So, my life remained bitter and severe
Once I asked my grandmother
- Do you love me?
She stuttered: - Who do I have but you?
And when I found him searching on his computer
I asked why is your mind just occupied with the whisper of screens,
Do you love me?
He said fragilely: - Who do I have but you?
Faleeha Hassan is a poet, teacher, editor, writer, and playwright born in Najaf, Iraq, in 1967, who now lives in the United States. Faleeha was the first woman to write poetry for children in Iraq. She received her master's degree in Arabic literature, and has now published 26 books, her poems have been translated into English, Turkmen, Bosnian, Indian, French, Italian, German, Kurdish, Spain, Korean, Greek, Serbia, Albanian, Pakistani, Romanian, Malayalam, Chinese, ODIA, Nepali and Macedonian language. She is the Pulitzer Prize Nomination 2018, PushCaret Prize Nomination 2019.
Member of International Writers and Artists Association.
Winner of the Women of Excellence Inspiration award from SJ magazine 2020,
Winner of the Grand Jury Award (the Sahitto International Award for Literature 2021)
One of the Women of Excellence selection committees 2023
Winner of women the arts award 2023
Member of Whos’ Who in America 2023
Winner of HerStory Award from women’s Federation for world peace new Jersey 2024
Cultural Ambassador - Iraq, USA since 2018
Cultural Ambassador and worldwide literary advisor PEN CRAFT Bangladesh
Honoured to be appointed as a 2024 Peace Ambassador by the
Universal Peace Federation
০৭:৩৪ পিএম, ১৩ আগস্ট ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
কবিতা - নব্যতা
জেবুন্নেছা জেবু
নব্যতারা ভালোবাসা ছেড়ে প্রেম চায়
বাড়ী ছেড়ে বাসা বানায়,
হারামে আরাম খুজেঁ
যৌবনের ক্ষনিক তাড়নায়।
অতপর জ্বলে পুড়ে ছাঁই হয়
ক্ষয়ে ক্ষয়ে তবুও খুজেঁ জয়,
প্রেমিক চায় শরীর
প্রেমিকা খুজে মন।
শূন্যতা পূর্ণতা পেলে
মিটে যায় প্রয়োজন,
টাকায় মিলে যদি সুখ
ধনীদের থাকতো না অসুখ।
বুঝে না বোকার দল
খায় না কেহ উম্মুক্ত জল,
আছে সর্বত্র জলের বিচরন
অবাধে পেলেই হয় সব মূল্যহীন।
মূল্যবান করো নিজের জীবন
হও ঝিনুকের ভেতরের মুক্তোর মতন।।
জেবুন্নেছা জেবু
ঠিকানা: A/সতীশ বাবু লেইন, পাথর ঘাটা প্রফেসর বিল্ডিং, থানাঃ..কতোয়ালী, জেলাঃ চট্টগ্রাম, বিভাগ: চট্টগ্রাম ।
শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা- এম. এ (বাংলা ) প্রকাশিত গ্রন্থ:
১) মনের আড়ালে মন (মুটিভেশনাল)
২) ...মনের তৃষ্ণা ( গল্প গ্রন্থ )..।
৩) তাসের ঘর (গল্প গ্রন্থ)
৪) মায়াবৃত্ত (উপন্যাস )
৫) দেশপ্রেম ও ভাষা (কাব্য গ্রন্থ )
যৌথ কাব্য অসংখ্য ছাড়া ও ভারতীয় প্রতিলিপি বাংলার নিয়মিত লেখিকা।
সংগঠন: ..১) কবিতাঙ্গন.....২) এপার বাংলা ওপার বাংলা ৩) Genesis World Writers Community ....৪) l
ive channel 24 (online tv.) .............
০৭:৩১ পিএম, ১৩ আগস্ট ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
কবিতা - শান্তি প্রতিষ্ঠার দল
শান্তি প্রতিষ্ঠার দল
হালিমা আক্তার ইশা
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
বন্ধ তালা ভেঙে ফেলার দল।
ওরে তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
শিকল ভাঙার দল।
ওরে তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
শত অন্যায়ের প্রতিবাদ করার দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
সকল অবিচারের সঠিক জবাব দেবার দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
অপশাসন, অপক্ষমতা রুখে দেবার দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
দুর্নীতি আর অপশক্তির বিরুদ্ধে লড়ার দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
ঘুণে ধরা সমাজকে পাল্টানোর দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
শত দুস্য,দানবের মোকাবেলা করার দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
শত অপমানের পাল্টা জবাব দেবার দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
দুঃখের দিনে সুখের বাণী শুনানোর দল।
ওরে তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
শত অন্ধকারে আলো ছড়ানোর দল।
ওরা তোরা কে আছিস রে বল,
এ পৃথিবীতে চির শান্তি প্রতিষ্ঠার দল।
হালিমা আক্তার ইশা ২৯-০৩-২০০১ সালে গাজীপুর জেলার কালীগঞ্জ থানার বড়হরা গ্রামে জন্ম গ্রহণ করেন।
পিতাঃ আব্দুর রশিদ দেওয়ান। তিনি একজন ব্যবসায়ী। মাতাঃ লায়লা বেগম। তিনি একজন গৃহিণী। তিনি স্থানীয় স্কুল নোয়াপাড়া ময়েজউদ্দিন আর্দশ উচ্চ বিদ্যালয় থেকে PSC ( ২০১২),JSC( ২০১৫), SSC (২০১৮)সালে পাস করেন।২০২০সালে জাতির জনক বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান সরকারি মহাবিদ্যালয়, উত্তরা, ঢাকা, থেকে এইচএসসি পাস করেন। বর্তমানে কালীগঞ্জ মহিলা কলেজে সমাজকর্ম বিভাগের অর্নাস ৩য় বর্ষের ছাত্রী। তিন বোনের মধ্যে তিনি সবার বড়।যৌথকাব্যঃ স্বাধীনতার বাঁশিওয়ালা(২০২০), অন্তর বৃত্তে স্বাধীনতা(২০২১), তুমি ছাড়া শূন্য লাগে (২০২২)প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। "মানবতার জয়গান" তার একক কাব্য গ্রন্থ যা (২০২১)প্রকাশিত হয়েছে এবং প্রেম বিরহের পত্রখানা (২০২৪) প্রকাশিত হয়েছে ।পুরস্কারঃডিজিটাল সাহিত্য আড্ডা (ডিসাআ)২০২০ইং, পাকনেত্র আন্তর্জাতিক সাহিত্য সম্মাননা ২০২৩ইং, নেত্রজল সাহিত্য সম্মাননা ২০২৩ইং, নীলকাব্য সাহিত্য সম্মাননা ২০২৩ইং, নজরুল নিকেতন সাহিত্য সম্মাননা ২০২৩ইং, কবিতা সাহিত্য গ্রুপ সম্মননা ২০২৪ইং সহ আরো অনেক সম্মাননা পেয়েছেন। তিনি আমৃত্যু লিখে যেতে চান।
০৭:২৯ পিএম, ১৩ আগস্ট ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
Sometimes lonely, tired and hurt lovers meet, but sometimes, just sometimes meet, but sometimes, only sometimes.
Sometimes they share their pain, suffering, mistreatment and blessing.
Mistreatment and blessed deception, sometimes, just sometimes.
Then fate plays with its invisible threads and
You cross them, but sometimes, only sometimes.
And they cry, opening their hearts, wiping away the dried tears, within their dry tears, inside her cracked soul; then they scream in despair at his abandonment, sometimes, just sometimes.
Sometimes they long for the warmth of good company and long for love, sometimes, but only sometimes.
Suddenly they discover their demons and angels along with the dreams they thought were lost.
The dreams that they think are lost, sometimes, just sometimes.
Sometimes these hermit loves, deep inside, long for a bonfire and intertwine their souls.
And they intertwine their souls, but sometimes, only sometimes.
With fear they hold hands and with fear they begin to walk. They are inexperienced creatures, they want to believe again and heal, sometimes, just sometimes. Sometimes.
Name: Martha Janet Torres Amortegui, Pseudonym: Laskiaf Amortegui.
She is a writer, poet, speaker, grandmother, author of the novel ‘La Jaula De Las Mariposas’, a dramatic novel that tells the story of five women and their environment, is one of the bestselling works of its kind on Amazon. When it comes to writing, she faces her biggest rival: her dyslexia, but her mentor encouraged her to publish her lyrics, which have brought her international recognition, awards and prizes in poetry and narrative. Many of her writings have been translated into other languages. At this point in her life, her family and her writing are her greatest loves. You can find her on social networks as: Laskiaf Amortegui facebook and Laskiaf_escritora on instagram.
০৬:২৪ পিএম, ১২ আগস্ট ২০২৪ সোমবার
Poem - Stories
Farzaneh Dorri
Waves write stories
some might be harsh
Clouds write stories
some might be sad
People write stories
some might be only a wish
Crows never write stories
they read them silently
Silence writes stories
some might be loud
Sounds write stories
some might be dumb
People write stories
some might be only a cry
Crows never write stories
they listen to them lovingly
Love writes stories
some might be patient
Trust writes stories
some might be magical
People write stories
some might be only a step
Crows never write stories
they live them truthfully.
Farzaneh Dorri is a poetess, a translator, and an editor. She was born in Iran and currently lives in Denmark. She has a Masters degree from Roskilde University. She works as case manager.
Farzaneh Dorri can usually be found writing poetry, and translating poetry by other poets. Writing poetry was always a reality for her.
By her passion for poetry, she discovered a passion for language. She began translating literature in the beginning of 1990's and published translation of Danish poetry into Persian in the Persian- Danish cultural magazine Wazheh (=Word).
As a translator, she translates between English and Persian, Danish and Persian, English and Danish. She translates also some poems from Norwegian and Swedish into Persian.
০৯:০৮ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
কবিতা - তাদের কথা
তাদের কথা
মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ
নদীর তীরে তারা বসতি স্থাপন করেছিল
জায়গা কিনে সাধের নীড় তৈরি করেছিল বাবুই পাখির মতো;
বুক ভরা স্বপ্ন নিয়ে জীবন-জীবিকা করছিল নির্বাহ;
নদীর কলকল ধ্বনি,
জলে রবির উদয় ও অস্ত যাওয়ার ছবি,
মৃদুমন্দ বাতাস, চাঁদের জোছনা তাদের হৃদয়ের সাগরে
প্রফুল্লতার জোয়ার নিয়ে আসত;
তাদের দু- চোখের তারায় স্বপ্নেরা ভিড় জমাত
নদীর ঢেউ তাদের গান শুনাতো,
বাতাস ঢেউয়ের সঙ্গে নৃত্য করতো
আর তাদের দেহ-মনে আদর এঁকে যেত;
রুপালি ভোর, রুপালি জ্যোৎস্না ভরা নিশি
তাদের বাড়িতে উঁকি মারতো
আর গঙ্গার দিকে অপলক দৃষ্টিতে চেয়ে থাকতো;
সূর্য ঘুম থেকে জেগে উঠতো
সোনালী আভা নিয়ে তটিনীর আকাশে
তারাও জেগে উঠতো ঘুম থেকে,
মুখ দেখতো জলের আরশিতে,
সূর্য তাদের আদুরে চুমু দিত;
গোধূলিবেলায় তারা, তাদের স্বপ্নের নীড়গুলো,
তরঙ্গিনী, তাদের মাঠগুলো, তাদের বাগানগুলো
গোধূলি আলোর পোশাকে সজ্জিত হতো;
গঙ্গা-পদ্মা হতে রুপালি শস্য আসতো পাতে,
শরতের কাশ তাদের হাতছানি দিয়ে
বেড়াতে ডাকতো তাদের বাড়ি কাশবনে
সেই ডাকে সাড়া না দিয়ে পারতো না তারা থাকতে;
দিনগুলো কতই না মধুর ছিল!
কিন্তু বর্ষা রানীর আগমন হতেই
নব যৌবনা স্রোতস্বিনী উত্তাল হয়ে উঠলো;
তাদের স্বপ্নের দিনগুলো, স্বপ্নের বাড়িগুলো
দুঃখ স্বপ্নে পরিণত হলো;
তারা আতঙ্কে শুধু প্রহর গুনলো;
তাদের ভিটেমাটি স্রোতের গ্রাস কবলে পড়লো;
ভিটেমাটি তাদের দুঃখ দুর্দশাকে নিয়ে
ইতিহাসের পিঠে চড়ে যেতে লাগলো সময়ের দেশে ।
০৮:৫৬ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
কবিতা - নদী ভাঙন
নদী ভাঙন
মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ
নদী ভাঙনের করাল গ্রাসে অনেকে হারাল ভিটেমাটি,
নদী কেড়ে নিলো অনেকের জন্মভূমির স্মৃতি;
সে চলেছে নিজ ইচ্ছায় আঁকাবাঁকা পথে,
পাড় গিলে চলেছে রাক্ষুসে দানব হয়ে;
কত বাগান, কত বাড়ি,
কত প্রাণ, কত কৃষি জমি
চলে গেছে তার পেটের কৃষ্ণ গহ্বরে
ইতিহাসের পথ ধরে;
নিঃস্ব হয়ে যাওয়া মানুষগুলো স্মৃতির ক্যানভাসে
দুঃখের তুলি কলমে ছবি আঁকে,
ছবি আঁকে সোনালী দিনগুলোর,
স্বপ্ন মাখা দিনগুলোর;
বুক ভরা বিষাদ নিয়ে তারা একটু আশ্রয় খোঁজে,
সব হারিয়ে বেঁচে থাকার একটু রসদ অন্বেষণ করে;
আজ পূর্ণিমা চাঁদ তাদের পাশে বসে হাসে না,
সূর্য আজ তাদের বাড়ির চিলেকোঠায় উঁকি মারে না,
বাতাস তাদের শরীর জুড়িয়ে দিতে হাওয়া করে না,
নদী আর গান শোনায় না,
শুধু সিংহের গর্জন আর হুঙ্কার তার গলাতে;
মেঘ দুপরের প্রখর রোদে ছায়া দিত তাদেরকে
আর তাদের সবুজ চিঠি নিয়ে যেত বয়ে দিক- দিগন্তে;
আজ সেই মেঘ ধূসর ও কালো তাদের কাছে;
স্রোতস্বিনীর আরশিতে তারা গোলাপি হৃদয় পেত দেখতে;
আজ শুধু দেখতে পায় নীলাভ হৃদয়;
তার পানি ছিল মিষ্টি
কিন্তু তাদের চোখের বৃষ্টি ধারায় নোনা হয়েছে তার বারি;
আজ তারা ভাসিয়ে দিল
তাদের হিয়ার নীল খামের চিঠিতে ভরা নৌক
যার বারতা আকাশে বাতাসে অনুরণিত হবে
ক্ষণে ক্ষণে;
তাদের হলুদ মনের থাকবে সাক্ষী
আকাশ, বাতাস, মাটি।
০৮:৫৫ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
As a humming bee brings smile to bunch of white lilies
Why don't you beam in the huge garden of my heart
The spring from heaven drops with dream with your charm
Near the horizon where the clouds drift away out of sight
The way we used to soar in the deep blue sky
Why don't you glide in my dream with your charm
The glittering moon shines in the dark night
But you are not shining this gloomy day in my life
I am like a lonely bird without companion
Come down to the desolation of my barren earth.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
At times I think of my uneventful life
Just a garland of thorns sans peace
What I have found is the dust of grief
When I did desire for the cold touch
Out of nothing only cold sigh in my lot Sorrows made my heart more sombre
You left leaving a couple of moments
None has time to hold my numb hands
Even my shadow is very often apathetic
This is my life and why should I be afraid Of sorrow for it's mine, my companion.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
I 'll give away my life , even lose all my wins
Whatever be the cost, you're my everything
Beyond all my limits and boundaries
Now I'm broken after giving everything
I'm no one ; you 've become my destination
Great things God has given without asking
Otherwise atheists like me won't get God
My desires 've met you as you became my prayer.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai @India.
The morning star you are in my life
Beaming brightly in the darkest world
You often arouse the bizarre stir in me
Of flustered fog in the face of rising sun
You venture out with your daring glint
Like a musky muse in face of darkness
As if mystifying mind of a blushing lotus
Set a swarm of bees ablaze in horizon
With your effervescent amorous prayer
Your radiance melts away all afflictions
With the glistening glow amid dimness
You do shower light into my empty eyes.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Why is life just a couple of moments
Let me ask for more time from God
I don't want to go far from you
Every pain seems pleasant
Your smile is my hope and strength
Even if the world is cruel to me
My safe heaven is in them
My heaven is but in your lap
My life is due to your heartbeats
Your wishes are my prayers now
What a unique bond ours is
I 'll come back to you only even if I die.
©®Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.
Biography of the Author.
DrPrasana Kumar Dalai
(DOB 07/06/1973) is a passionate Indian Author-cum- bilingual poet while a tremendous lecturer of English by profession in the Ganjam district of Odisha.He is an accomplished source of inspiration for young generation of India .His free verse on Romantic and melancholic poems appreciated by everyone. He belongs to a small typical village Nandiagada of Ganjam District,the state of Odisha.After schooling he studied intermediate and Graduated In Kabisurjya Baladev vigyan Mahavidyalaya then M A in English from Berhampur University PhD in language and literature and D.litt from Colombian poetic house from South America.He promotes his specific writings around the world literature and trades with multiple stems that are related to current issues based on his observation and experiences that needs urgent attention.He is an award winning writer who has achieved various laurels from the circle of writing worldwide.His free verse poems not only inspires young readers but also the ready of current time.His poetic symbol is right now inspiring others, some of which are appreciated by laurels of India and across the world. Many of his poems been translated in different Indian languages and got global appreciation. Lots of well wishes for his upcoming writtings and success in future.He is an award winning poet author of many best seller books.Recently he is awarded Rabindra nath Tagore and Gujarat Sahitya Academy for the year 2022 from Motivational Strips . A gold medal from world union of poets France & winner Of Rahim Karims world literary prize 2023.The government of Odisha Higher Education Department appointed him
as a president to Governing body of Padmashree Dr Ghanashyam Mishra Sanskrit Degree College, Kabisurjyanagar.Winner of " HYPERPOEM " GUNIESS WORLD RECORD 2023.Recently he was awarded from SABDA literary Festival at Assam.Highest literary honour from Peru contributing world literature 2024.
Completed 200 Epistolary poetry with Kristy Raines U SA.
1.Psalm of the Soul.
2.Rise of New Dawn.
3.secret Of Torment.
4.Everything I never told you.
5.Vision Of Life National Library Kolkata.
6.100 Shadows of Dream.
7.Timeless Ang
8.Voice of Silence.
9.I cross my heart from east to west . Epistolary poetry with Kristy Raines
০৩:১৯ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Bloody Makeup
Elham Hamedi
Only the blood of the street can poured on my face
By prescribing an unfair prescription, a deep injection of a painful beauty
Only blood makeup can show anger
Only the green blood of a tree can scream in my wounded veins
Only my blood can weave a flag and raise it above all the buried trees
This blood stain will become a smile of a kiss
On the slapped cheeks of the people
This blood stain will fill all the wounds with the smell of roses
This blood stain will be interpreted beyond a holy book
Believe it!
Believe it!
Elham Hamedi
All Rights Reserved
Kiss of the Fish
Elham Hamedi
Can publish an unknown taste of water
In my heart
With an incredible circulation
Kiss of the fish yet
Is not suffocated
At the back of the plastic
The soil still has the flavor of body
The soil can still
Analyze my body in a green creation
I hug the severed heads of the trees
And I pass my breath in the mouths of birds
A piece of sky
With the breath capacity of a thousand birds
It is enough for reflecting the smile of the sea
A piece of sky
A ceiling with a singing capacity of a thousand canaries
Enough for a conversation
Elham Hamedi
All Rights Reserved
Biography: *Elham Hamedi* (Shiraz, Iran, 1967)
Multimedia artist, painter, writer, poet. She is a permanent member of the Scientific Association of Visual Arts of Iran, executive member of the Writers Capital International Foundation (WCIF).IFCH Ambassador. She is the author of the book of poems entitled "UN COLPO ALLA TESTA ERA UNO ZAQBOOR", Terra d'ulivi Edizioni-Italia publishing house in Italy. Her works are present in numerous international exhibitions and anthologies. Holding a Master's degree in Artistic Research and a Degree in Radiology, she combines the study of the body at a medical level with artistic materials in a psychoanalytic relationship. She has received numerous international literary awards by publishing collections and writings in prose and poetry in specialized magazines and catalogs with prominent publishing houses. Her collection of paintings entitled “Fragment” was welcomed by critics and international magazines.. She was recently named one of the "50 Unforgettable Women of Asia" and the "Pillar of Asia’s Culture" in the major project "Stockholm 2025" in five volumes on 5 continents(2024)
Awards and merits:
*Winner of the 2022 International Literary Award entitled "Women for Culture and Peace" (MESTRE/VENICE/Italy),
*Winner of the prize” Parole di Libertà”, at the 2022 edition of the International Prize for Literary Art “Il Canto di Dafne”2022 in Italy for her poem: CESSATE IL FUOCO).Italy
*Winner of the International award “Emozioni Poetiche 2023” (“Memorial Otmaro Maestrini”) in Milan -Italy for her poetry “I MIEI CAPELLI MORTI”.
NAPLES JUNE 10, 2023, Italy
2º Prize Voices from the World - Foreign Authors:For Elham Hamedi’s poem “Paradiso nascosto”
*Honorable mention for the Elham Hamedi’s book - UN COLPO ALLA TESTA ERA UNO ZAQBOOR-
* Award – FOREIGN AUTHORS,For poetry“Sogno Ottagonale” ,Pisa 25 Novembre '23
*Award; International Poetry Prize“Emozioni Poetiche”,“Memorial Otmaro Maestrini” 26 March 2023 . Rewarded with a personalized Diploma and included in the Anthology printed on the occasion of the award,Milan, Italy.
*Award: International Poetry Prize “Città di Varallo”September 24th 2023, for Hamedi’s book “Un colpo alla testa era uno Zaqboor”
SPECIAL AWARD،PLAQUE with golden medal "City of Varallo", and personalized Artistic Diploma
*Award: International Poetry Prize “Città di Varallo”September 24th 2023 for her poem” “Paradiso nascosto”HONORABLE MENTION, will be rewarded with a personalized DIPLOMA and included in the Anthology printed on the occasion of the prize.
Elham HAMEDI, for the poem”Pausa romantica”
1st ex aequo: Elham HAMEDI,’Trucco insanguinato
*Premio Internazionale di Poesia "Città di Varallo"- Milano 30.07.2024
Sezione: Poesia
Titolo della Poesia: “Mondo in bianco e nero”
Riconoscimento: Segnalazione di Merito
Premio: Diploma Personalizzato
*”Medal of African Peace Ambassador” from the "Legends Times Africa Magazine” (for Literature and Environment
*International Poetry and Literature Prize "Island of Elba - Listening to the Silence of the Sea" - VII Edition 2024, Italy.
Mention of Merit - Elham Hamedi - for the poem” Bacio al gusto di cannella”
* Peace Award; Honorary Ambassador of Culture; On the occasion of WORLD DAY OF PEACE from the World Poets Union for Freedom {UMPPL); Italy
*Receive an Honorary Literary Doctorate (D.lit) from the Wahi Al Qalam Forum in Egypt.
*INTERNATIONAL PRIZE DR Fco. Xavier Ramírez Sánchez
FOR HIS EXCELLENCE AND HIGH INTERNATIONAL MERITS IN FAVOR OF ART, CULTURE AND THE CULTURE OF PEACE( Global Federation Leadership and High Intelligence Unaccc Latam Thousand Minds For Mexico International Latin American Academy of Modern Literature Booth 11 Global Chain, Roku Mexico Global Alliance MMPMI UNAccc Latam Amlhac)
*She is Iran Coordinator of UMPPL ( Union Mundial De Poetas Por La Paz Y La Libertad ); ItalY
*IFCH Ambassador. Peace Ambassador.
*Executive Board Member, Poetry and Literature World (PLWV)
Publication of poetry book:
2022; Fernanda Ferraresso (translator); Elio Scarciglia (Editor); Terra d'ulivi Edizioni; Italy( This book has won two international awards so far:
*International Poetry Prize “Città di Varallo”September 24th 2023)
Some publications of her poems in international anthologies and magazines:
• Samanu Symphony; MENU {Short Stories); {2022); Maddalena Castegnaro Guidorizzi and Teo De Palma; Les Flaneurs editions; Italy-“This is the black shadow above our head”(Poem); DIALOGUE OCHO; ( 2022); Maurizio Esposito; Maurizio Esposito Publication-Censura; POETIC AGENDA; (2022); Bertoni Editor- "HYMN TO THE AIR; (2022); Bruno Mohorovich( Editor); Jean Luc Bertoni(Publisher); Bertoni Publication; Italy-POETIC AGENDA; (2023); Bruno Mohorovich (Editor); Jean Luc Bertoni (Publisher); Bertoni Publication; Italy-ZAQBOOR Silloge of poems; (2021); THE Series The Notebooks of the Anastasian Literary Circle n. 52; Giuseppe Vetromile(editor); Italy-Dialogue Magazine; (2022); Maurizio Esposito(publisher); Italy-“Ellas" ,a multilingual edition published by Amanda Reverón (Miami, United States) compiler Odalys Interian Carmen Virginia Rodriguez Caldera the translators Don Cellini (United States), Stella Panagopulu (Greece), Hebe Muñoz (Italy) and Marian Raméntol (Spain) and to publisher Dos Islas Editorial
-uno specchio; Anthology "The nectar inside you"; (2021); K.C.Sethi & Sunita Sethi-About Poetry(Text) and Collection of poems; FrequenzePoetiche Magazine; N33; AnnoVl; (2021); Giorgio Maio; Frequenze Poetiche Publications; Italy (Her article are Both in English and Italian)-Collection Of Poems; Wordnews Newspaper; {2021); Paolo Di Chiara {Publisher)-Collection Of Poems; WORLD CONTEMPORARY POETS ANTHOLOGY; {2023); Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah {Editor and founder of PLWV)-collection Of Poems; PRODIGY Magazine-THE Atunis Galaxy Anthology 2023, Belgium/Albania, editor ( Agron Shele)-Festival Mondiale Di Poesia E Narrativa; Enrico Del Gaudio-
Collection Of Poems; The 95th issue of OPA Magazine; {2023);Online Journal; NilavroNill Shoovro {Editor)-Il corpo assoluto Anatomiche storie; By Maddalena Castegnaro Guidorizzi
-Collection Of Poem;"ONE-LINE SKETCH COFFEE TABLE BOOK"Anthology; {2022);Sethi Krishan Chand{Editor)- il suono mutato della pioggia; una poesia,
xilografia una i LIBRI DEL MERLO(Maria Tirotta),Translator(Francisco Soriani)-
Three Poems(Corpse Flower, Where is the address of the sea?; Donate; Ourpoetryarchive Online Journal; (November2022); NilavroNill Shoovro (Editor)- publishing the article “Elham Hamedi, a voice of freedom in Iran” in art and poetry” by Goffredo Palmerini in the magazine "ITALIA NEWS MEDIA MAGAZINE"2024(curated by Angela kosta)- Publication of her painting from collection entiteled:FRAGMENT and the publication of her poem entitled “Hidden Paradise”in international RRM3, RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE Millennium III)( Publisher:George OnsyFor Nobel Prize & Franca Colozzo, 2024)- Publishing her poems in literary magazine ATUNIS-Belgium,2024, Publisher and Editor: Agron Shele- Book The Blackbirds, Elham Hamedi
a poem “il suono mutato della pioggia”,2023
woodcut of the BOOKS OF MERLO, Maria Tirotta, Translate: Francisco Soriano, curated by: Unda Iulia-
She has had international Personal and group Art Exhibitions in different countries:
Personal exhibition; “Deaf and Mute People”;Apadana Gallery;Esfahan; Iran-In 2021 “First Biennial of Contemporary Art of Murgia”- In 2021 “Green Image Joseph Beuys 100"; Caltanissetta; Italy-In 2021; “CORRISPONDENZE 1”; Art in residence;Discovery of urban sites; Rome; Italy- In 2022; CORRESPONDENZE 2; Collective exhibition at Arte in Dimora; Palazzo Boncompagni- In 2022; “Woman universe”; Cassano delle Murge In 2023; “DONNA VITA LIBERTA’: my name is Night” in Borgagne; Melendugno (Lecce) as part of the FRANTOI APERTI exhibition - In 2023; Transmutations”; Cellole Municipal Library (CE); Caserta-In 2022 and 2023; "II Biennial of Contemporary Art of Murgia”Museum of the Alta Murgia and Cassano delle Puglie area,Italy,2023; AAmA International Art Exhibition; co-hosted by eight museums around the world - In 2023; “Mythos”, in the city of Ladispoli, December 2023;"Woman Universe"; Cassano delle Murge - In 2021; “Art without borders for Peace and the Defense of Human Rights”;Toscolano Maderno-Nel 2020;Solo exhibition; Peace; "Avicenna International Community College LLC"; Georgia--In 2021, Group Exhibition, “Soul of Art”, Luna Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey-In 2016; Painting Group "Harire Honar".; Milad Tower Art Gallery; Tehran; Iran-In 2017; “Myths and ancient stories”; Tehran; Iran-In 2009; Central House Book Gallery, “ Dovvomin Sorayesh ; Isfahan-In 2018; “My Imaginary Friend”; Farda Gallery;Tehran; Iran-In 2016; Group Poster Exhibition; Plasco, Mehr Gallery; Shahid Chamran University; Ahvaz; Iran-In 2020, Collective exhibition “Starlight”, Luna Sanat Gallery, Istanbul, Türkiye;
She is one of the Artists that is invited for participation in ISSUE 6 OF THE BOXED MAGAZINE "CIVICO 23" for publication of her artworks,Salerno,Italy
০২:৫১ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Poem - Soul Of Integrity
Soul Of Integrity
Character is the silent witness to your integrity.
A life lived in the spirit of God is a beautiful soul full of integrity.
God is the guiding light and you’ll never have any liability
A person with Integrity does the right thing even in closed door, behaves ethically
Soul of Integrity shows honesty at all times
Believes in truth and always be authentic, no social climbs
A person with a good heart loves with all his mind and soul, sincerely, no plasticity.
A Godly person, holy and lives a life by the power of the scriptures, obediently.
A Soul of Integrity is a kindhearted person who loves doing charitable activities.
A person of empathy, sympathy and looks after the well-being of affinities
Retains the faith of human goodness.
A strong person always ready to help with thoughtfulness.
A Soul of Integrity acts accordingly with a strong moral principle
A soul living in the deepest values, holy in the top pinnacle
A soul who is worthy to be loved
A Soul of Integrity is one in a million!
Dr. Frieda Norma Dela Cruz
Philippines ©®
Copyright Reserved
১২:১১ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Poem - What If
What If
By: Marlon Salem Gruezo-Bondroff
Country: Philippines-USA
In the quiet whispers of the night,
Dreams of what could have been take flight,
Moments lost in time's embrace,
Echoes of a different place.
Paths untaken, roads unseen,
Visions of what might have been,
Yet in the heart, a gentle glow,
Guides us where we need to go.
Regrets may linger, shadows cast,
But life moves forward, not the past,
Embrace the now, let go the pain,
Find the beauty in the rain.
For every "what if" that we mourn,
A new dawn rises, hope reborn,
In the present, find your peace,
And let the haunting questions cease.
All rights reserved.
১২:০৪ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Yusuf Aslan
The creator created a man called Adam from sixty different soils
From a being that is like a volcano
He created a devil even from fires
He did not fall behind the Light of Knowledge
Intelligence, knowledge, were not darkened from the Light
Man of the same color was not created
He created from servants of different kinds
He created creatures even from noble ones
From cats, dogs, cattle
He created not just humans but from different generations
He created insects and animals
He sent down books, read them, says Alak
He was made absolutely intelligent with three objects
While creating this universe, the Almighty God
He created from light, like His own light
I met three beautiful friends first
At home, on the road, one with me, God willing
A god who will be honored with every praise
He said Yusuf the poet and created me
১২:০১ পিএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Poem - Mother
Meylieva Zebiniso Mirkomilovna
Words do not come up to if I write my mom description,
Mom, you are basis of Heaven.
You afflicted a lot for my life.
When I was ill you did not asleep in the night.
Mom,you acknowledge important human me than yourself,
I am your dreams, happiness, joy and child!
You are shield to the enemy and always patient person,
If you wail your groan is up to sky.
I only thank you,
You are my behind big mountain.
Tell me, would you be willing to anything?
Your words are enough for me.
I only thank God for the give you to me,
The most wonderful moment is that in my life I am your little girl.
Meylieva Zebiniso Mirkomilovna
Member of O'ZLIDEP party.
Student of the 4rd stage of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulug'bek.
Winner of "Student of the Year-2023".
He is a member of the "International Science and Literature" writer's association of Argentina and a coordinator on behalf of Uzbekistan.
Although Zebiniso studied psychology, he had a special love for literature as a child.
He has participated in many international and republican contests, and his poems and biography in international and republican magazine and newspaper websites show love for many people, love for parents, courage, patriotism, humanity. He encourages them to create with enthusiasm
১১:৫৯ এএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Poem - Sunset of 60
Sunset of 60
Jeong Ae Son
The long stone wall road I walked on
It was a path made with my mother's sweat.
my mother's mother,
Even her mother’s mother
Until the sun goes down on their small hearts,
They did housework.
They walked on the treadmill with the help of their legs
They blink their eyes at the fluttering chaff.
The day was too short for the grain to become a grain of rice.
When the fishy smell of milk on cotton white clothes dries in the midday wind
A brother carrying a child searches for the mother's breast.
A mother raises her child with her breast
The mother who remembers her mother blinks her heavy eyes.
Just as the grains ripening under the sun are the speed of the seasons
The red sunset is ripening
Now that the mother's daughter has become a mother
Trimming the heavy sun of Seosan
For fifty and sixty
About the Poetess:
Poetess Jeong Ae Son debuted as a poet in 2014 in ‘Arama Literature’. She served as the 3rd and 4th chairman of ‘Sunjin Literature’. Special member of ‘Sisanmaek’. She is a member of the ‘Gyeongju Literary Association’, the ‘Gyeongbuk Literary Association’, and the ‘Daegu Catholic Literary Association’.
Her poetry collection is 'Words from the Wind'.
She received the Grand Prize in poetry at the 2022 Ssangmaedang Icheom Literary Award, the Grand Prize for Sejong Culture Artists Who Brilliant Korea in 2021, and the Grand Prize in Poetry at the 2019 Songok
This month Literary Award.
০৮:৪৫ এএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Story -Princess Nawangwulan
Summary of the Story 'Princess Nawangwulan':
In the past, there were lots of tigers in this world.
There is a belief circulating among the wider community that there are two types of tigers, namely real tigers and artificial tigers.
Here the author writes a story about an imaginary tiger. It refers to an era when many tigers were hunted and killed to be bought and sold as display items. By optimizing, that is, drying.
To prevent the extinction of tigers we create fictional stories to scare hunters and fans
art items of animal origin.
Yatti Sadeli
When the wind blew, when the moonlight dimmed, the strange figure under the tree moved. Slowly . . . but surely, as if someone was moving it from a distance. The face could not be seen clearly. What was certain was that she was a woman, then when the moonlight became brighter the strange human figure became clearer. He wore strange clothes. The beautiful woman looked left and right, then moved and walked towards a large tree that towered high in front of her. After that he sat down. The sound of owls hooting, and the sounds of night animals calling. The wind blew slowly and the moonlight became brighter.
Somewhere, at some time……. The king was sitting on the throne. In front of him and on either side of him sat the empress, her favorite daughter and her bodyguards, the governor and his servants and palace ladies. They all looked upset and gloomy, especially the empress, king and princess. Occasionally the king roars. His voice echoed throughout the room, making the hearts of the servants and ladies in waiting sink.
Suddenly the king shouted,
“Guards! Where was the last time you saw the Crown Prince?”
“Your servant, at that time the prince was wandering around the forest …. and suddenly a snare locked him up. "I couldn't get the prince out of the snare because suddenly a group of hunters came at him."
At that point the guard stopped talking because he saw the king roaring even louder.
"Why don't you pounce on those evil humans?"
“My lord, they are carrying weapons. They ….. they shot blindly. I ran, Your Majesty, because I wanted to tell you about this incident immediately. If I get shot, of course you won't know who the criminals are who kidnapped the prince."
"Your actions are also correct. But are you sure the prince was not injured?”
"I'm not sure, Your Majesty, because it is human nature to be greedy. They said they wanted to sell the prince abroad. But there are also those who say the prince will be offset so that if he is smuggled out of the country there won't be too many problems."
“Emergent…….danger!, the prince's safety is threatened! These cruel-hearted humans must be immediately destroyed. I swear I will take care of those humans before they attack my child."
The Empress, who had been sobbing, asked angrily, as if she couldn't believe that her beloved son was going to be sold abroad or taken away. What is offset?
“The ofset is killed and then dried. This is done by removing the contents of the stomach and chest, then stitching them up and then drying them. All kinds of animals can be offset, including humans. "The problem is, how can we catch the hunters, because they have weapons."
“I know how.” Princess Nawangwulan immediately spoke up.
Then she whispered something in the king's ear. The king nodded.
“You're smart too. Hopefully it's not too
Princess Nawangwulan stood still, her evening dress and loose hair fluttering in the gentle night breeze. Her hands were holding on to the railing and his gaze was straight ahead. He knew that on the balcony of that magnificent building there was a man who was looking at the moon in contemplation.
Mr. Braman, who was busy watching the moon, suddenly felt like he wanted someone to accompany him, because at that time his wife was not at home. He wants to share the joy of seeing the beauty of nature on a full moon night. Finally, his mind drifted, his heart wandering, creating and remembering something. In his dreams it was like a dream, as if someone had come to him
“Good evening……” The voice seemed to be carried by the wind. He turned towards the direction of the sound, his eyes searched for a moment and when his eyes fell on something, he froze. Oh…. there was a beautiful woman standing below. The moonlight seemed to bathe that beautiful face with rays of light. Nature was also fascinated by the attractiveness of a woman dressed in red, with long hair. Her appearance was amazing as if the woman was not from this earth. How to describe a mysterious, beautiful woman whose eyes were brilliant and whose lips smiled in a very charming smile? And all of it was so stunning that it made Mr. Braman feel moved.
The rich Offset animal trader was about to sleep, after carrying out a transaction of hundreds of millions of rupiah with his customer, a high-ranking official. Soon his coffers of money will increase with the acquisition of a very impressive big tiger. When it is dry and ready to be displayed, the Offcet tiger is planned to be auctioned. According to his friends' estimates, it will sell for billions of rupiah. Ah... tonight Bram was very lucky. The woman below seemed like a gift to him.
He immediately got up from where he was standing, walking forward in a hurry. As if the fence in front wasn't an obstacle. As if there was a supernatural force guiding him, he took a step and fell flying. There were strong hands catching him. Bram fell unconscious then they took him followed by the beautiful woman who had teased him earlier.
In a dungeon. A man doused him. Byuuuuur... several buckets of water were poured on his head . . . But Bram didn't wake up.
"The princess drugged him too strongly." Said the tall man.
"Even though he can't fight, just scratch his stomach and chest now. Then we'll dry it."
“It's really nice not to feel sick. Our King is very wise. All those who are guilty must be tried first. After all, this human has sinned too much. He must feel pain.”
"So he wants to be offset while he's still alive."
"Correct …….."
"Moreover, the final victim of this evil human being was the Crown Prince."
“Haaah…… Crown Prince……?”
“Yeah….. the entire palace is in mourning right now. The Empress fell ill. Seeing that his son has become offset goods
"How is it that the Crown Prince was found?"
“The princess found it. It's being dried behind this cursed human's house."
Bram has regained consciousness. He didn't hear the conversation between the two people at all. Where am I, he asked himself. And who are these people? Now he pretended to be asleep, meaning he wanted to know where he was now. He had to get away now. But how? Both hands and feet were handcuffed.
Now he is left alone. He heard the sound of a tiger roaring in the distance. Hmmm …. the tiger's voice again. If I could get away with it, I'd grab a gun right away. And hunt the tiger.
Mr. Braman wondered how long he had been there. At home he has unfinished work. Ah, what if the striped guy has no one to dry in the sun? How come ….
“The crown prince doesn't need to be dried in the sun. He's already here. Sitting on the king's throne even though he is dead." That voice ... the voice of the woman who seduced him that night! Bram looked left and right. Suddenly Princess Nawangwulan was next to him.
He roared very loudly. Bram was shocked, because this beautiful woman could roar like a tiger. Ah, maybe this woman is a real tiger. Bram thought, he was really scared.
“You have offset the crown prince, O human.” Suddenly Princess Nawangwulan spoke up. In return you will be offset."
Bram trembled at the princess's words. Am I dreaming?, he pinched his arm.
“Who are you?” he asked bravely.
"I'm the woman who met you at night in your yard."
“You, are a cruel human being. Your sins are many. You killed a lot of our people. And sell it. Confess!”
“Sorry princess…. Let me go, I've given up, I won't do something like that again!"
"Lie ….!" snapped the princess. “Guards! Bring the son here!”
They brought Bram's son before him.
"Look! Your dearest son is now the same as the crown prince, has become an evil object!”
Bram screamed then fainted seeing his beloved son standing stiffly in front of him. And the guards showered him again.
Bram woke up again, this time the princess had changed into a fierce tiger. Bram was afraid, he prostrated himself in front of a tiger who seemed ready to eat him. But miraculously, the big tiger slowly changed its form into Princess Nawangwulan. But he was still cruel when facing Bram who was sobbing uncontrollably.
“Your son will not be returned to the real world, he will be used as a display in the palace. We have agreed that in fact this 5 year old child is innocent, he is just a victim of revenge!"
“And me…..?, what is my fate?”
“You will be offset….. and your body will be thrown in front of your house. So that the cruel humans in your world know what punishment the hunters and animal hunters deserve."
"Oh my gosh..... princess!, I promise I won't do that again."
“Human promises are false ….. they are greedy!, animals are hunted, forests are cleared until we run out of space.”
“Mercy Princess……"
One day, residents around the luxury housing complex in the elite area of the capital were in an uproar when Mr. Braman's body was found in front of their luxury home. For investigation purposes, the body was taken to hospital for an autopsy. The body was somewhat dry but looked intact, only on the stomach and chest were stitch marks extending from top to bottom. The police are investigating and looking for who the killer is. When the forensic doctor autopsied him, everyone was surprised because Mr. Braman's stomach and chest contents were gone. And the corpse dried up very quickly.
As usual, this shocking incident was always covered in a big way by the media, especially after learning that Mr. Bram's only child, named Daniel, was missing. The police thought Daniel had been kidnapped and would be asked for ransom. But after waiting for some time, no telephone call or letter came to the deceased's house.
Interview after interview from several television stations was very intense, both with family, neighbors and acquaintances of the deceased. Speculation also emerged, both from the police and the public. There are those who are of the opinion that it was an ordinary murder, there are those who think that Mr Bram's body organs were sold and donated. But there are also those who think that Mr. Bram has been transformed into an artificial tiger, in order to take revenge. It is this last opinion that is controversial. Because there are those who believe and there are those who don't believe. But with this incident, many officials or rich businessmen who owned Offset tigers became angry. Their peace was disturbed. Those who believe in superstition think that maybe their turn will come to be offset. Then they are haunted by nightmares, so many of them resell or bury them.
Mr. Bram's wife also became a victim, her soul was disturbed, because disasters repeatedly came to her. Her husband died, her only child disappeared and the house where her animal collection was located was burned down. Finally he was admitted to a mental hospital.
Somewhere in the wilderness, where the tiger kingdom is located. Princess Nawangwulan was crowned Queen because after the king died, there was no son to replace him. Every day he roared, shaking his servants and maids. And Daniel, Mr. Braman's son, continues to decorate the royal palace.
*This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
০৮:২৫ এএম, ১১ আগস্ট ২০২৪ রোববার
Poem - Paradise
Dr. Eity Mithila is a poetess and short-teller from Bangladesh. She was born in 6 February 1993 in Dhaka in Bangladesh.She holds her Masters degree in English literature from University of Dhaka.Composing poetry is her passion and genres in which she is more interested are spiritual, love and romantic poetry. Moreover, she achieved awards, certificates and recognitions from different international literary and cultural platforms and institutions for her literary works. Her poems and short stories have been published in different literary sites , magazines, journals and anthologies around the world.
In a long talk,
When you fall asleep,
I hush my words, my body
To not to move a bit even,
I whisper to silence
To be silent more...
As I know you wil wake up
Just within some time,
And I know,
Opening eyes you will search
And call me anxiously
By my name...
And It feeds my heart;
It's paradise on the earth!
I can be wordless,
And I can hush all noises,
I wish to sink this world in silence
Just to bring it...
As It feeds my heart;
It's paradise on the earth..
১০:১৫ পিএম, ১০ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শনিবার
কবিতা - কাল
মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ
পৃথিবীটা আজ নিদারুণ যন্ত্রণায় ভুগছে,
তার দেহ ক্লিষ্ট বিবিধ ব্যাধিতে;
মানুষের মনও আজ পীড়িত;
সাম্প্রদায়িকতা, শোষণ, অত্যাচার, রাজত্ব করছে মানুষের মনের রাজ্যে;
তারা দ্রুতবেগে ছুটে চলেছে মনের পথে পথে,
মনের এক দেশ থেকে আরেক দেশ জয় করে চলেছে অনায়াসে;
সম্প্রীতির, মানবতার সৈনিকরা দুর্বল হয়ে পড়েছে;
থামাতে পারছেনা তাদেরকে।
আমার বিশ্বাস আবার সম্প্রীতির, মানবতার সৈনিকরা শীঘ্রই শক্তিশালী হয়ে উঠবে;
নিজেদের দেহ-মনে মানবতার-সম্প্রীতির সালোক সংশ্লেষ করবে;
তাদের পথ অবরুদ্ধ করে পরাজিত করবে।
যুগে যুগে কত পরাশক্তির উদ্ভব হয়েছে
কিন্তু কালের নিয়মে তাদের পতন ঘটেছে;
ইতিহাসের ডি এন এ তার সাক্ষ্য দিচ্ছে।
সময় প্যানেসিয়া নিয়ে এসে সকলকে আরোগ্য করবে;
সময়ের নেফ্রন তাদের শোধন করে পরিশুদ্ধ করবে।
মানবতার,সম্প্রীতির সুগন্ধে ধরণী ভরে উঠবে।
০৯:৪৮ এএম, ১০ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শনিবার
মন ও মায়া
০৮:২২ পিএম, ৯ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
কবিতা -কে জানতো
কে জানতো
-মাহফুজা রহমান
একটি চাওয়া
দমকা হাওয়া,
ভীষণ খাওয়া
নতুন পাওয়া!
কে জানতো সময় সকাল!
নরকি পাষাণ
বলেরে বাঁচান,
রাষ্ট্রীয় প্রধান
বাহাদরী খান!
ক্ষমতা রয়না চিরকাল!
ইতিহাস আছে
বলে যিনি মিছে,
শিখার রয়েছে
এদিনের কাছে!
মনে রেখো এটা ইতিহাস!
গতকাল ইহা
ভুলিবেই যাহা,
স্মৃতিটিও বাহা
আগুনেই লোহা!
করোনাতো কিছু পরিহাস!
কখন কি হয়
বলার কি রয়,
ভাবিবার নয়
বলে তা সময়!
যা কিছু হয় সবই ভালো!
অহঙ্কার যার
পতনই তার,
ক্ষমতার ভার
হয়ে যায় ক্ষার!
তার তরে বয়ে এনে কালো!
০৬:২৫ পিএম, ৯ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
Poem - Thank You
Zlatan Demirović (USA)
Thanks to the latter Civilization!
Now that you're finally an ex,
I have to talk to you!
Thank you for teaching me
What life shouldn't be.
A big blessing for the moral lesson,
Which helped me to distinguish
The dialectic of promises and lies.
A deep inclination to obstruct the truth,
Especially for persecution
Propagator of "untruth".
May it be to your credit
Accumulation of material goods
In the hands of the chosen,
At the expense of the impoverishment
Of the weak.
Chosen by themselves,
Decorated with generational evil,
Who still hope for their best.
Thank you for the voluptuous industry
Immorality and hatred,
Woven at glorification
Lies, perversions and evil.
You adorned yourself with weapons,
To attack people,
Not even suspecting that now
It's coming back to you,
To you, who will go to the abyss
And gladly withdraw all others.
On all that and much more,
Which finally isn’t even worth mentioning,
Thank you very much!
Now I'm going to lie down under a tree,
I planted long ago,
And listen to the unadulterated bird song,
Preparing in peace,
To finish my reading of
Tibetan Books of the Dead..
Thank you!
©® Zlatan Demirović
তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ
জ্লাতান ডেমিরোভিক (ইউএসএ)
অনুবাদ: মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ (ভারত)
পরবর্তী সভ্যতাকে ধন্যবাদ!
এখন তুমি একজন প্রাক্তন অবশেষে,
আমাকে কথা বলতে হবে তোমার সাথে!
শেখানোর জন্য ধন্যবাদ আমাকে
জীবন কি হওয়া উচিত নহে।
একটি বড় আশীর্বাদ নৈতিক শিক্ষার জন্যে
যা আমাকে পার্থক্য করতে সাহায্য করেছে
প্রতিশ্রুতি এবং মিথ্যার দ্বন্দ্বকে।
বাধাগ্রস্ত করার গভীর প্রবণতা সত্যকে
নিপীড়নের জন্য বিশেষ করে
"অসত্য"-এর প্রচারককে
এটা তোমার আমানত হতে পারে
বস্তুগত পণ্য সঞ্চয়
নির্বাচিতদের হাতে,
দুর্বলদের দারিদ্রতার ব্যয়ে।
নিজেদের দ্বারাই বেছে নেওয়া,
প্রজন্মের মন্দ দিয়ে সজ্জিত,
যারা তাদের সর্বোৎকৃষ্টের জন্য আশা এখনও।
ধন্যবাদ তোমাকে স্বেচ্ছাসেবক শিল্পের জন্য
অনৈতিকতা এবং ঘৃণা,
গৌরবে বোনা
মিথ্যা, বিকৃতি এবং মন্দ।
তুমি নিজেকে অস্ত্র দিয়ে সাজিয়েছিলে
মানুষকে আক্রমণ করতে
এমনকি এখন তা সন্দেহ নহে
এটা তোমার কাছে ফিরে আসছে,
তোমার কাছে, যারা অতল গহ্বরে যাবে
এবং অন্য সব প্রত্যাহার করো আনন্দের সাথে।
এই সমস্ত এবং আরও অনেক কিছুতে,
যা শেষ পর্যন্ত উল্লেখ করার মতো নহে,
অনেক ধন্যবাদ তোমাকে!
এখন আমি গাছের নিচে শুয়ে থাকতে যাচ্ছি,
আমি অনেক আগে রোপণ করেছি,
আর অনাবিল পাখির গান শুনো
শান্তিতে প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছ,
আমার পড়া শেষ করতে
মৃতের তিব্বতি বইগুলো..
ধন্যবাদ তোমাকে!
*এই কবিতাটি ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলায় অনুবাদ করা হয়েছে মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ- এর দ্বারা অরঙ্গাবাদ, মুর্শিদাবাদ, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত থেকে।
(This poem has been translated into Bengali from English by Md Ejaj Ahamed from Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India)
০৯:০৬ এএম, ৯ আগস্ট ২০২৪ শুক্রবার
Poem - A Shadow-eating Cat
A Shadow-eating Cat
Kim Bom-seo
A cat
A cat is eating its own shadow scorched by the moonlight
I don't know if it stopped crying
I don't know if it forgets how to cry
In its curled up,
Until the shadow turns olive again
It must be doing that
This foolish thing faced with solitude
It doesn't need a house or temple
It across the walls and walks around the roof like nothing
Like it broods freedom and abandoned
Pity or guilt may have been summoned with reckless
Like me in similar circumstances
Kim Bom-seo (real name: Kim Me-hee) Born in Boryeong, Chungcheongnam-do in 1968
Graduated from Graduate School of Social Welfare at Hallym University
Worked as a youth counselor for public institutions under the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for 13 years.
Current school violence investigator, serving as a member of the Ministry of Justice's probation and protection committee.
Moonlight Literature Society. Full member of Ieodo Literature Society, Vice President of the Korea World Literature Association
In 2019, the 19th Literary Emotional won the Rookie Literature Award
Won the 4th Ieodo Literature Award in 2023
2021 Kangwon Cultural Foundation Specialized Art Support
Gangwon Cultural Foundation will benefit from specialized art support in 2024
Poetry of the cherry blossom anniversary attack on the
D-Cash Sky Ticket Office
Greece, Germany, the United States, Mexico, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Belgium, Albania,
Poetry translated and introduced in various languages in Iran, Italy, India, and Pakistan
০৮:২৯ পিএম, ৮ আগস্ট ২০২৪ বৃহস্পতিবার
কবিতা - চাই ক্রোধ, ভালবাসা
চাই ক্রোধ, ভালবাসা
খগেন্দ্রনাথ অধিকারী
ইসমাইল হানিয়ের খুন
ইসরাইল জঙ্গির হাতে,
হবেনা কখনো ব্যর্থ,
ইতিহাস একথাই বলে
মুক্তিযোদ্ধার রক্ত
জন্ম দেয় প্রতিক্ষণে
রক্তবীজের দল
অযুতে নিযুতে।
তাই বন্ধু কান্না নয়,
চাই ক্রোধ, ভালবাসা,
দানবের যুদ্ধ আশ
মেটাতে হবেই হবে
স্বাধীনতার বজ্ররণে,
জর্ডনের দুকূল আবার
ভরবে হাজারো ফুলে
শিশুর হাসিতে।
মরহুমদের স্ত্রীরা সব
শহীদদের মায়েরা যত
দগদগে ক্ষত নিয়েও
মুছবে চোখের জল
পর্শী দম্পতির কোলে
নতুন প্রজন্মের
নিষ্পাপ শিশুদের দেখে
গভীর আশ্বাসে।
০৮:২৭ পিএম, ৮ আগস্ট ২০২৪ বৃহস্পতিবার
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`
- Poems
- Poems
- Poems
- Article - Zein lovers
- Poem - On the Open Eyelashes Shadow I Weave
- একগুচ্ছ কবিতা
- Poem - Centuries Later
- Poem - Mystery Remains
- অনুষ্ঠিত হল অরঙ্গাবাদ ব্রাইট ফিউচার অ্যাকাডেমির বার্ষিক অনুষ্ঠান
- সুতি পাবলিক স্কুল ও কোচিং সেন্টারের উদ্বোধন
- Poem - Your Hazelnut Eyes!!!!
- Poem - Life Is Melody
- একগুচ্ছ কবিতা
- Poem - Twilight
- Poem - Love in the Autumn Leaves
- রাজনীতিতে অসতের প্রবেশ,প্রতিবাদী না হলে সমূহ বিপদ
- রাজনীতিতে অসতের প্রবেশ,প্রতিবাদী না হলে সমূহ বিপদ
- রাজনীতিতে অসতের প্রবেশ,প্রতিবাদী না হলে সমূহ বিপদ
- Poem - Missing the Sky
- Poem - Missing the Sky
- Poem - The Philosophy of the Eyes
- Poem - Silence
- Poem - When the Pen Abandons You
- দ্বিতীয়বারের জন্য হোয়াইট হাউসে ডোনাল্ড ট্র্যাম্প
- Poem - Centuries Later
- Poem - Mystery Remains
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`
- একগুচ্ছ কবিতা
- Poem - On the Open Eyelashes Shadow I Weave
- Poems
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`
- Poems
- Poems
- Article - Zein lovers
- আলীগড় মুসলিম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় মুর্শিদাবাদ সেন্টারে অনুষ্ঠিত হল `জন জাতীয় গৌরব দিবস ২০২৪`