Poem - The Greatest Woman
Dr. Aziz Mountassir ( Morocco)
প্রকাশিত: ৪ আগস্ট ২০২৪ ২১ ০৯ ০৬
The Greatest Woman
Dr. Aziz Mountassir
In the heart of shadows, where hatred thrived,
A light emerged, so pure and bright.
She taught us love when we despised,
Guiding us through the darkest night.
With tender words and patient grace,
She sowed the seeds of hope and peace.
In every heart, she found a place,
Where love could bloom and hatred cease.
Her wisdom shone like morning's dawn,
Dispelling fear, dissolving spite.
Through her, we learned that we belong
To a world of love, serene and right.
The greatest woman, strong and kind,
Showed us the path to harmony.
In her embrace, we left behind
The chains of hate, and found we're free.
So here's to her, the guiding star,
Who taught us how to rise above.
The greatest woman, near or far,
Who taught us hate is slain by love.
- অনুষ্ঠিত হলো স্বপ্নের ভেলা সাহিত্য পত্রিকা উৎসব-২০২৫
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