জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা

শুক্রবার   ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫   ফাল্গুন ৯ ১৪৩১   ২৩ শা'বান ১৪৪৬

জামাইবাবুর হাতে ধর্ষিতা নাবালিকা


Nedeljko Terzic (Serbia)

প্রকাশিত: ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫ ১৩ ০১ ২২  

Looking for You Endlessly
Nedeljko Terzic (Serbia)

I would not miss any picture exhibition,
I would go to studios,
I would peered behind easels
And looked for your picture
For identity papers
Under palette
Which they use for your portrait when you are absent.
I would go to the museums
And swore in front of  women figures
From the Bronze Age
That I was the greatest fan of archeology in the world,
Even greater than the late doctor  Jon Nestor
Who was looking for the Past with a paintbrush 
And he found all those things he had dug up also with a spade.
I would not miss any market
To observe  women's faces of those selling
And those with string bags
Somewhere at the exit
I would stay till the end of the morning
Until washmen  would come  with hoses
Among the counters to sweep away all around
And wash their faces and legs.
I would stay for hours
In front of shop windows just arranged
And stare at them as at a distant past
In radiant smiles of the plastic dolls
To see something I had not seen before
And to begin to talk to those
Who cannot give me the answer.
Always I think up something new about you
And some new features I add to your face,
Perhaps I will never find you
But I am sure you exist like that somewhere.


Nedeljko Terzic (Serbia)

Since my birth the Heaven's gates have been opened
With entrances on all sides,
I am still of the opinion
That I shall pass through all of them
With the camel and elephant caravans.
I do not notice that I am turning into a poppy seed
To be blown away through a barley straw
From the lime ceiling of Dragon's cave
By a bat's slightest breath
As far as possible from myself.
From the top of a skyscraper I catch sight of our distances
And inscribe common areas in the Heaven
Deliberately turning my head from nonsense
And illusions
From mutual convictions
That we  have made a golden nest
Neither on the Heaven nor on the Earth.
"Soar'' rains have come from unknown directions
And rinsed away all around.
One way winds
Took the ruined nest into a black hole
Which nobody  had ever noticed by then.
Remained were  two empty places of ours
Our  two completely different faces
From two different climates on the Earth
Joined together in the Icy night
When the insects
Were mass dying in the parks.


Nedeljko Terzic (Republic of Serbia)

Oh, you, the mistress of the last benches
In small gardens
Come back to your yard
And sit down on a small three-legged chair
Into a thick shade between two walnut trees.
You have been caught like a turtledove
Into a false information
That archeologists have discovered the Gate of Eden
And you have already bought the ticket  for entry.
Very long queues are standing in vain,
Come out the turtledove
You are so tender anyway
To stand  next to last one in the queue.
Eden one reaches by a winding shortcut
Passing through a  few 
False gates of the  Hell installed
But only one of them is right
And everyone must pass through it
At least once in his life.
You have not reached this door
I have watched over you
As you were a golden fish
Hanging in the air
And when I stop doing this
You yourself will seek  the way for your flight.
There is only one right gate,
Whenever you would hear
A melodic squeaking in front of you,
You were mistaken
Thinking you had found it.
I leave you now with all my untold words
And with my thoughts which daily
I used to send into the space
For you to be  on the first bench
Welcomed in the garden of Eden 
Like their mistress.

About the Poet:

Nedeljko Terzic (12 May 1949) born at Sremska Mitrovica city - Republic of Serbia, is a prominent Serbian writer, an author of the fifty five book titles.The first verses he published as a high school student  in 1967, and already in 1969 he published  in the daily press, with his original signature. He is represented in more than a hundred anthologies and poetry elections in Serbia and abroad. He has won a number of literary awards and recognitions both in Serbia and abroad.

          His first book “Silence with the plains” he published in 1975. the first bilingual  (Serbian-Slovakia) edition of the book of poetry “The Lake at a Glance” was published in 1980 Since 1982.his books has been published in Italy, England, Russia, Austria, Australia, Macedonia, France, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia-Hungary, Tunisia and Poland. Foreign newspapers and magazines wrote about his works in the following countries: Macedonia, Brazil, Japan, Germany, India, Greece, Lebanon, Tunisia, Australia, Hungary, Armenia, Russia, Moldova, Italy and Romania. He has participated in many international literary festivals in the world where he was a direct participant or via the Internet. He also associates with foreign journals and periodicals in: Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Canada, Lebanon, Tunisia, Russia, Hungary, Romania, N. Macedonia, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia and the only one from Serbia is the member of the writers' association Deutsche Haiku Gesellschaft in Hamburg.

*Collected from the poet by Md Ejaj Ahamed*

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