আরজি কর মেডিকেলে ২০০ কোটির দুরনীতি, একাধিক প্রভাবশালীর জোগ থাকার সম্ভাবনা নলপুরে বেলাইন সেকান্দ্রাবাদ-শালিমার এক্সপ্রেস চলতি মাসেই ২০ ডিগ্রির নীচে তাপমাত্রা, রয়েছে নিম্নচাপের সম্ভাবনাও আগ্রা- লখনউ এক্সপ্রেসওয়েতে দুর্ঘটনায় ৫ জনের মৃত্যু রায়গঞ্জের কুলিকে শিশুর প্রাণ বাচিয়ে ডুবে মৃত্যু তরুণের গাজোলে মাটি খুড়তে গিয়ে উদ্ধার ১৬টি রুপার মুদ্রা

সোমবার   ২৫ নভেম্বর ২০২৪   অগ্রাহায়ণ ১০ ১৪৩১   ২৩ জমাদিউল আউয়াল ১৪৪৬

মুর্শিদাবাদের সুতিতে শুট আউট। CSK-তে যাচ্ছেন ঋষভ? সামনে এল বড় খবর





She is an italian author. She lives in Salerno (Campania - Italy) but she was born in Calabria.

She has been writing for several years, especially poetry. Teacher of foreign languages and cultures. Lyricist for musical pieces. She has published two collections of poems and short stories, the third ongoing anthology and a fourth in collaboration with another author about social evils expressed through narrative and poetry.

Reviews books; editor of poetry collections; juror and President in Literary - Artistic Competitions. She has obtained numerous relevant awards in national and international competitions, including in English language.

In August she received the "Urban Festival 2024" culture award. Present in various poetic anthologies, monthly magazines and newspapers, member of some cultural associations and President of the literary, cultural and artistic association "Incontri diVersi".

Creator and President of an International Artistic Literary Competition in the 2nd Edition in her homeland, Calabria.

She collaborates with artists promoting the union between painting and poetry. She writes for a bimonthly magazine, “Agire Sociale”; writes monthly articles in the online magazine #noiqui; Administrator of an online literary group, she manages poetic and Literary workshops, dealing with Topics of social interest. 

Writing is her lifeblood, she says.






Love for life

It's a window always lit 

In the colder dark of nights.

It’s a sweet stillness always 


The lighthose of our consciences.

And the sweet murmur of waters 

Now calm still lying on the moist

salt sand

Then they crash on rocks naked 


And I immerse my heart in this symbiosis 

That keeps me still throbbing…

Ditched to the invisibile wire…

It always held

My breath.

This is my love for life!







A shivering homeless guards his cardboard

As a precious bed

But if his friend stretches out Limbs on the ground

He gives it to him.

And you that hold riches, feelings

If you still have…

Possessions to embrace in your emptiness

Soul vault

You will feel no need to share

In the stingy righteousness of Your barren logic.

Than, to give others a piece

of you

It would be too human and Unbecoming

Poor man…

Within your lonely and rich walls

Of velvets and candelabra

There is no light to shine, not even For you


And when your last step yields to the

Divine world

Your memorabilia will remain Between the worms of time

To wear out…

And no one will mourn a foolish loneliness

Of a golden trench

But so shabby and useless.

Miser you will go to meet the ways

Of the beyond.







Sunflowers of light

I saw a field of sunflowers

Under the immensity of blue skies.

Soon the sun will warm them

Until they burn

But the splendor will quench their thirst

At sunset...

They will be alive

And harbingers of the colors of gold

Of life which, in spite of Everything

Luxuriant unfolds

On our smiles.

They are sunflowers of light

Keepers of our steps.



Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter

০১:২০ পিএম, ২ অক্টোবর ২০২৪ বুধবার

Poem - Peace Is Possible




Let's serve to mankind in the entire society 

Together walk and walk for humanity 

Let's learn for knowledge with thoughts of non-violence 

Let's believe in ourselves do miracles when get chance 


Peace is possible with great patience 

Continuous, concentration is required for unlimited essence 

Let's hate wars who give us only red scars 

Let's believe in selflessness and sacrifices to avoid wars 


Let's be helping hands for nation 

Have faith in almighty , we're his creation 

Humble heart appeal to all for true generosity 

With our true actions peace and prosperity is possible in the entire society 




০৫:০৬ পিএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

Poem - True Worth

True Worth

Dr. Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj 


It's not about who wants you,

But who sees your true worth,

Who values and respects you,

And knows the joy you birth.


Not just desire or fleeting glance,

But a heart that holds you dear,

In respect's tender dance,

In love, without fear.


For wanting fades like twilight's hue,

But value remains, steadfast and true,

In respect, love finds its due,

In cherished moments, love renews.


So seek not just a wanting gaze,

But a heart that values, respects, and stays,

In such a love, let your spirit blaze,

In true worth, findy our lasting praise.


০৪:৪৮ পিএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

সোনারপুরে প্রতিভা সন্ধানে পত্রিকার সাহিত্য অনুষ্ঠান

সোনারপুরে প্রতিভা সন্ধানে পত্রিকার সাহিত্য অনুষ্ঠান

মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ 


কলকাতা: গত ২৮শে সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ প্রতিভা সন্ধানে ত্রৈমাসিক সাহিত্য পত্রিকার ২৪ বর্ষ তৃতীয় সংখ্যাটি সাবিত্রী বাই ফুলে ও শেখ ফতিমা সংখ্যা হিসাবে প্রকাশিত হল সোনারপুরের শান্তি সংসদ পাঠাগারে। এদিন সংখ্যা প্রকাশের পাশাপাশি প্রতিভা সন্ধানে পত্রিকার আজীবন সদস্য ও পত্রিকা কমিটির সভাপতি প্রবীণ স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামী ডঃ শশধর পুরকাইতের স্মরণ সভাও পালন করা হয়। এই অনুষ্ঠানে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বিভিন্ন প্রান্ত থেকে প্রায় শতাধিক কবি- সাহিত্যিক-সাংবাদিক উপস্থিত হন বলে জানা গিয়েছে। এই অনুষ্ঠানে সভাপতিত্ব করেন বিশিষ্ট কবি, সাহিত্যিক, সাংবাদিক, গীতিকার শ্রীমন্ত কুমার মন্ডল। প্রধান অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন বিশিষ্ট শিক্ষক আব্দুল রশিদ মোল্লা, অতিথি হিসেবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন বিশিষ্ট চিত্র পরিচালক সুচিব চক্রবর্তী এবং শিশু সাহিত্যিক, বাঙালি বিশ্বকোষের মুখ্য ব্যবস্থাপক আব্দুল করিম। সমগ্র অনুষ্ঠানটি সঞ্চালনা করেন বিশিষ্ট কবি পশুপতি বিশ্বাস। এই অনুষ্ঠানে উদ্বোধনী সংগীত পরিবেশন করেন ডলি চ্যাটার্জি ও তাপসী প্রামানিক। উপস্থিত ছিলেন ডক্টর সিরাজুল ইসলাম ঢালী, আন্তর্জাতিক আমার ভারত পত্রিকার সম্পাদক শাকিল আহমেদ প্রমূখ ব্যক্তিগণ।

কবিতা পাঠ, বক্তব্য ও সঙ্গীতে অনুষ্ঠানটি মুখরিত হয়ে উঠে।

০৪:৩৮ পিএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার


Strange Days

EVA Petropoulou Lianou


Strange behaviour

People are not going to correct direction


Like birds or whales

They lost their orientation

They are killing eachother

THey are jealous

They don't want the best of the neighbor

Earth is tired of humans






EVA Petropoulou Lianou


The first word

Babies said before they walk in



Shame to this humanity

How can you be happy

When in the other side

THey are sacrifing babies

Thousands babies

Pray for the souls of the innocents


০৪:০৯ পিএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার



Dr. Frieda Norma Dela Cruz



Trembling at dawn, dreaming,

Always too soon the morning light would appear again.

My dream would be gone,

I would reach to hold it,

but too quickly it would fade.


Awakening, I would find myself alone.

The day has turned gray,

and the sky threatens rain.

Joy and colors of the dream have gone once again,

But just as the sun is somewhere beyond the clouds, the dream lives on, just beyond this moment.


And knowing that it would be there and that it would come again, 

Over the years I would work each day

So that the wonder of its promise might find fruition.

Soon, I thought, soon. Not tomorrow.


Believe and work, I would tell myself.

Believe in dreams and work with joy.

And then when the world turns around, and starlight and sunlight gently merge, you will find yourself in a shimmering place, 

And you will know you have travelled all the way home.


©®Dr. Frieda Norma Dela Cruz


০৯:২৫ এএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

Poem - So Many Are There! Dr. Dipika Bhatt ( India)

So Many Are There!

Dr. Dipika Bhatt ( India)


So many words are there without any useful meaning!

So many hearts are there without any conflict cleaning!

So many brains are there without any imaginative feeling!

So many friends are there without any emotional dealing!

So many incidents are there without any expectation of meeting!

So many conversations are there without any meaningful and meaningless healing!

So many smiles are there without any intention of anyone's heart killing!

So many conditions are there without any reason and logical reasoning!

So many satires are accurate without any rejected meaning 

Which reflects a person's mental state and whole being!




এত আছে! 

ড. দীপিকা ভাট (ভারত)

অনুবাদ: মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ 


 কোন দরকারী অর্থ ছাড়াই এত শব্দ আছে!

 দ্বন্দ্ব পরিস্কার ছাড়া এত হৃদয় আছে!

 এত মস্তিষ্ক আছে কোন কল্পনাপ্রসূত অনুভূতি ছাড়াই!

 এত বন্ধু আছে কোন আবেগী আচরণ ছাড়াই!

 এত ঘটনা সেখানে মিলনের কোনো প্রত্যাশা ছাড়াই!

 এত কথোপকথন সেখানে কোন অর্থপূর্ণ ও অর্থহীন নিরাময় ছাড়াই!

এত হাসি কারো হৃদয় হত্যার অভিপ্রায় ছাড়াই !

এত শর্ত কোন কারণ ও যৌক্তিক যুক্তি ছাড়াই!

কোন প্রত্যাখ্যাত অর্থ ছাড়াই বিদ্রুপ সঠিক এত 

 যা একজন ব্যক্তির মানসিক অবস্থা এবং সমগ্র সত্তাকে করে প্রতিফলিত ! 



*এই কবিতাটি ইংরেজি থেকে বাংলায় অনুবাদ করা হয়েছে মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ- এর দ্বারা অরঙ্গাবাদ, মুর্শিদাবাদ, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত থেকে।

(This poem has been translated into Bengali from English by Md Ejaj Ahamed from Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India)*

০৯:১৯ এএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

সুতিতে ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের জন্মদিনে রক্তদান শিবির


সুতিতে ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের জন্মদিনে রক্তদান শিবির 

মোঃ ইজাজ আহামেদ 

অরঙ্গাবাদ, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর: গতকাল ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের জন্মদিনে সুতি ২ বিডিও অফিস সংলগ্ন দফাহাট মডেল স্কুলে অনুষ্ঠিত হয় রক্তদান শিবির। উল্লেখ্য ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর ১৮২০ সালের এইদিনে অর্থাৎ ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। বাংলা তথা ভারতের শিক্ষায় তাঁর অবদানের জন্য অনেক প্রতিষ্ঠান ও শিক্ষক তাঁর জন্মদিনটিকে শিক্ষক দিবস হিসেবে পালন করে থাকেন। এদিন রক্তদান শিবিরে ৯২ জন রক্তদান করেছেন বলে জানা গিয়েছে। প্রত্যেক রক্তদাতাকে টিফিন ও সার্টিফিকেট প্রদান করা হয়। উপস্থিত ছিলেন মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলার ডি আই অপর্ণা মণ্ডল, মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলা প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় সংসদের চেয়ারম্যান তথা বিধায়ক আশীষ মার্জিত, সুতির বিধায়ক ইমানি বিশ্বাস, সুতি চক্রের এস আই অরিন্দম দত্ত, সুতি ২ ব্লকের বিডিও হুমায়ূন চৌধুরী, সুতি থানার আইসি প্রসূন মিত্র, সামসেরগঞ্জের বিএমওএইচ ডাক্তার তারিফ হোসেন, সমাজসেবী মাসুদ রানা ও সুতির শিক্ষক- শিক্ষিকাগণ। 

০৩:৫১ পিএম, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ শুক্রবার

Poem - The Letter



Short Bio-note of Vasiliki Kalahani


Vasiliki Koliopoulos- Kalahani was born in Australia in 1962. She came to Greece with her family when she was ten years old and resided in Velo-Korinthias, where she finished her secondary education. She is married and lives in Krines-Korinthias, Greece.

She holds the proficiency degree in English, and is giving private lessons to young children for many years.

She has also attended History for one year at the Open University of Patra- Greece.

She has also pursued her amateur desire in Painting, taking part in group- exhibitions for the past years. She has illustrated fairy-tale books. 

She also deals with translating.

She has published two Anthologies of Poetry in the memory of her son Panagiotis Kalahanis. She has presented ten, personal, poetry collections on her behalf, and three fairy- tale books. She has presented her theatrical play "The Seven States" in 2016 in Velo-Korinthias, which is also on You Tube in the greek language.

She respects worldwide philosophy and history and follows the ideal and the symbolic essence in her work.

You will find her on Facebook with the name: Vasiliki Kalahani

When she has time she broadcasts "The Hour of Poetry" , a video- presentation of fellow poets she knows in facebook, their bio-note, and recites their poems she chooses. Poets that are from Greece and from all around the world.

She still has a lot of unpublished work on her behalf.




** The following Poetry written by Poetess Visiliki Kalahan from Greece on the Birthday of Bangladeshi poet M .A Matin.


The letter



Tis the full Moon tonight

Still l can't see it in the Sky

As if it's vanished 

And it doesn't want us to see it

As if it's gone and doing something else...


My painting is still wet

And it's you my friend

You came in your youth

On my paper 

With a knitted pullover on..

Green and blue it is

With a little red on it

The heart that's life that naturally flows..


I know the loneliness of the hearts

I know the poets' solitude

I know the bitterness

I know the cries

I know the flight of the crows...


Still my letter must be written and sent

Because l know the generosity of the spirit

I know the nobleness

I know the trees' wand

That gently touches our forehead and hands..


A cricket is singing..

It's somewhere on the house's wall

It's behind me and it's suddenly, sadly stopped..

Sing cricket! Sing! 

Oh yes, it's singing!

It listened to my thoughts and it's steadily continuing..


Go to this other world my friend

And peacefully stay there, please,

There where religions don't fight anymore

And the Earth is so humble and kind..


I hear the cicadas singing softly now

It's September still they are insisting

To pay close company to us

Because they know the poets that are alone..


Loneliness, loneliness a horrible word

But poets endure and live there..

A mystic door always opens

And calls for us to go inside..


Sometimes a signal, a flare is sent from the heart 

That goes up to the dark black, glorious Sky..

Strength must be pronounced

And a new day's omen

For the bird that is dying in its dreadful cage..


How many deaths have we?

Have we counted them all?

Millions..endless they are 

that have the same meaning..

To devour us and leave us with our bones alone

Drifting on the icy seas..


I am dizzy, l am upset,

Are you well my dear poet?

I feel pain right in my third eye...

I send you light now with the poets' god and mighty teacher

For you to become well once more...


The letter was written

It was sent with the spirits

To pass quickly over the open seas..

It is only for you my friend

Not to be told elsewhere

A poetic caress in this night's flow

That connects the minds of the poets and puts the horrible pain aside...


Dedicated to you my dear Poet Abdul Matin

Take care and be strong...

Your friend from Greece

১২:৪৭ পিএম, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার

মালদায় আন্তর্জাতিক সাহিত্য উৎসব

০৬:৩৬ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার




Words must have clung to your heart

When you tore the last letter of mine

Removed rose petals from your books

Now your tears roll down for fear of loss

All our long cherished wishes fall apart

You remember when you stole my heart

You made stolen thing the house of God

You used to take my name while praying

You were afraid of missing me forever 

Mere words and they were retracted

We both were lost and dissolved in love 

I'm yet to find my destination sans you.


© Dr Prasana Kumar Dalai@India.

০৩:০৫ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার









Yusuf Aslan



Oh my beloved, with a hundred hearts and a hundred souls


If I had, I would sacrifice to you


I promise you my strange soul at any moment, my dear


I would say salute to you



My dear, we are soldiers who have given our hearts to this love


We walk around in these hands as friends


We sacrifice ourselves to each other


I give my dear friend whenever you want



My heart is in mourning when I am without you


Believe me, I will not show it to my enemy or friend


My rosy face, my beautiful eyes, ask for them


As long as you tell me, I will give them to you right away



I have a trust from the One Who created me


I have a time to ask for it one day


Oh my beautiful, I have another trust


I give words from every book



I don't know who loves the strange servant


That which you don't like is worthless


Friend Yusuf If I were a sultan



I would say "Can Princess" and give a decree




০৩:০৩ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার







Muhammad Gaddafi ( Libya)




Immersed in the childhood of my mistakes,

Cannot distinguish an earthworm

From its mole.

I told the tree; my beloved

Then it bent to the wind



I thought the bird was a bullet,

I threw myself on the ground,

When it flew away.



I slept with the clock,

So orgasm arriving late,

At the Viagra time.



I tried to hide behind my shoes,

But it betrayed me,

Moving aside.



I walked crookedly,

Throwing shadows with a stone, 

It bounced back as bullets and bleeding wane moons.



*Translated into English by Suzan Ibrahim





After the Disappointment

Muhammad Gaddafi Masoud


I watch it, it doesn't rain

I come taken, with what

I carry from certainty

Then after the disappointment

Except the dream.





On the verge of a tale

Seagull fell, in

The water .




Boiling the messages

The end invisibility

Palm trees, are falling

In the valley of the flutes



Her gazes

Were broken our lips on

The sight of her gaze .




Gather firewood

Bleeding sun

Selled the horizon

At auction .




Lump from barking

The happiness




Divides the laughter itself

On itself

Who closes the door of, a-ha



*Translated by Neina Al-Sartawi





Waiting For the New to Be Announced

 Muhammad Gaddafi Masoud


Decide your will around me 

A circle  

Fix it as a hang  

Making it loose is forbidden that expands 

In a narrow way. 

When the narrow approaches a father 

Who put it’s shadow on us.

Masters of the night become drank 

Singing with speech at the beginning of

The down in the end of the feast.

Waiting for the new to be announced 

Shooting his last cry, a masculine getting 

Old the king of the hard.

And the master of the feminine.

When there is no other masculine.



০৩:০১ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

Poem - Love Is a Prayer of God


Love Is a Prayer of God

Dr. Dipika Bhatt 


To live for someone is to live in the heart of God!

To win the belief of someone is to get the blessings of the lord!


To love someone is to love God!

To pray for someone is to pray for the greatest in the whole universe that is none but dear Lord!


Love never needs no religion, no caste, no citizenship for fulfilling any loved relation my dear!

Love needs only love and a little respective care!


In every prayer of any religion admiration of love is the base!

Even we find praise of love lore in spiritual rhymes, holy books and through the epic of literary history ever going in the universal case!


Every legend poet, writer and singer sings the blessings of God through love in their musical story notes!

Because love has only power on the earth to change the mindset of God, humane and even it can change the environment challenging wrath and routes!


If you want to be blessed by the Almighty in your life on the earth!

Then clean your mind and heart and make your soul more valuable and divert your mind from the useless materialistic worth!


Though different names of Almighty are there...Allaha!Bhagwan!Khuda! God!Moula! Malik and Rub!

But the way of reward and punishment is unique and equal in Almighty's court in the selection process of the general hub!


Life is full of mystery, excitement and a mixture of wishes to fulfill a purposeful birth in this powerful orbit of earth ! 

In every religion the ways of prayer may be different but the morals and lessons are same that is being a human you should spread peace and love on the earth from the starting of your precious birth!


As we all want God's blessings and a lovable hug!

Then we should respect His decision and keep patience for 

His returning chide on our deeds of life and never show your disobedience, no false tears and no shrug!


©️Dr. Dipika Bhatt 

From India


Bio Note: Dr. Dipika Bhatt is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of English, HVM (P.G.) College, Raisi, Laksar, Haridwar Uttrakhand. She has been published 25 research papers in different international journals incorporating various literary issues. She has contributed in six text books and one book has been published in Lap Lambert Publication in Germany. Her area of interest is Indian writing in English, Literary Criticism, Gender Issues, Diaspora. She has also interest in Poetry Writing in her freetime.


She is deeply associated with the issues related to the LEGH Movement (Literature, Environment, Gender and Human Rights) and she is a lifetime member of EFSLE, an international Socio- Eco literary Organization working in the field of Ecocriticism. She is also coordinator of EFSLE for Uttrakhand Region.

She is NSS PROGRAMME OFFICER, RED CROSS NODAL OFFICER AND Incharge in four other committees where she organizes more than 50 Activities in State level, National level, District level and College Programmes.

At Present she is writing book for NEP NEW SYLLABUS TEXT BOOK "Communication Skill" for Graduation Students and also working for NSS Book.

০২:৫৯ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

Poem - Peace, Love, Unity


Peace, Love, Unity

Dr. Frieda Norma Dela Cruz



When your mind is full of love

There is also peace in your heart

You can’t go wrong, even a bit

For love always fosters peace.


You can sing a song and sing

It strong

With love and peace of mind,

you can’t go wrong

A beautiful sign to sing along

Showers of blessings, you are strong.


If love and peace unite, 

Heart and Soul open the light

There’s no need for blood to spill

And discard away the former drill.


With love and peace we have it made

Hearing sacred songs of serenade

The emphasis on being free

The message conveyed PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY.


Dr. Frieda Norma Dela Cruz

Philippines ©®

Copyright Reserved

০২:৫৭ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার






Kujtim Hajdari was born in Hajdaraj, on April 10, 1956, in the city of Lushnjë, Albania. He completed high school, mechanical studies, and later pursued university studies in language and literature in Elbasan. He initially worked as a mechanic, and after graduating from university, he became a teacher of language and literature in High Schools.



He started writing at a young age, with his poems and creations being published in the local newspaper and magazines like"Shkendija," "Drita" and "Zëri i rinisë" during his middle school and high school years. After completing high school, he prepared three volumes: one of poetry titled "Will Spring Come?", one of short stories titled "The Violinist," and a drama titled "Sleepless Nights." However, his works did not see the light of publication due to political reasons.


After the change in the political system, he went into exile in Italy, where he spent many years before eventually settling in the USA. For a long period of time, he stopped writing due to the demoralisation caused by the non-publication of his volumes and the threats he faced as a dissident writer, as well as the challenges of family and the difficulties of exile. He started writing again, after a hiatus of about 25 years, composing poetry in Albanian, Italian, and more recently, in English.



Both in Italy and the USA, he continues to write and be active, occasionally publishing volumes of poetry, participating in various national and international competitions, and sharing his poetry on numerous online platforms and in different publications. His themes cover a wide range of topics, with a significant focus on the issues and challenges of exile. He primarily writes structured poetry but also experiments successfully with free verse.





1. "Mbrëmë isha pa ty" in May 2018, published by "Create Space" in the USA.


2. "Mbrëmë isha pa ty another publication (with slight changes), almost authentic, by "ADA" in Tirana.


3. "Do të vij natën" in September 2018, published by "Create Space" in the USA.


4. "Emri i bukur dashuri" in March 2019, published by "ADA" in Tirana.


5. "Do t'u them..." in October 2019, published by "ADA" in Tirana.


6. "I dolori del cuore" published in January 2020, in Rome, by "Aletti Editori," in Italian.


7. "Pse bëjmë keshtu" in June 2020, published by "ADA" in Tirana.


8. "Kur shkoj në fshat" in July 2021, published by "JOZEF" in Durrës.


9. "Come i fiori di aprile" in Italian, in September 2021, published by KDP Amazon in Poland.


10. "You are everywhere" in English, in November 2021, published by KDP Amazon.


11. "Udhëve të Botës" was published in January 2022 by the publishing house "Botimet Jozef" in Durrës.


12. "Do të vij natën" reissue, revised volume January 2023, Durrës, Albania


13. "You are everywhere" in English, in November 2021, published by KDP Amazon.


14. "Through the waves of life" Translation from Albanian to English. (Anthology with selected poems from 10 published volumes), January 2024, byKDP Amazon, USA.


!5. "I ngrita të rënët" 2024, published by "JOZEF" in Durrës.





So far, has participated in 66 anthologies, 12 national and 54 international in three lingue: Albanian, Italian and English.


The anthologies with participation of well-known poets from many country of the world. 


His poems have been published in Albania, Italy, the USA, India, Romania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Morocco, Egypt, etc.





He has participated up now in 38 national and international competitions where he has had several appreciations and awards as: 


The Cup of the special prize of the "Golden Pages of Italian Poetry" 2018. 


First prize for the diaspora of the Poetry Festival in Albania, 2019. 


The Cup of prize of the magazine "World Poets and Their Poetry" in Romania, 2020. 


Finalist in 7 places in "European Poetry Championship” 2020, in Romania.


He was awarded the title Artistic Honor of the Diaspora in 2021, by "Jehona Shqiptare" for his contribution to the National Poetry Festival in Albania, edition 4, as the Deputy Chairman of the Festival.


He is elected member of the evaluation committee of poets participating in the national poetry festival to be held in 2023, organized by "Jehona Shqiptare" in Albania.


He is member of American Poets of Massachusetts in 2024 and participant in their annual anthology for 2024. 


He is Winner of International Impact Book Awards for 2024, in USA


And many, many others evaluations. 


His poems have been published in Italy, the USA, India, Kosovo, Romania, Kosovo, Morocco, Egypt, etc.


He has received numerous certificates and diplomas from various web groups and associations. His poetry has been enthusiastically received, and thousands of admirers from around the world, as well as renowned poets and literary critics both domestically and internationally, have written words of praise for him.







They move through the shadows like bad dreams,


In their corners of the night, hidden, dark,


Where they squeeze misery between pain and tears,


Until the rays of dawn awaken them, trembling.



Above my head and eyes, I have the endless city,


Tall buildings in clouds that graze the sky,


Wide streets that find no end, and flowers


Full of color and fragrance that bring me spring.



For them, this world is foreign, distant, buried,


They no longer have hands or feet to touch that life,


Perhaps a desire, a buried dream, they remember,


But they no longer have the strength or eyes to follow it.



Everyone runs relentlessly for luxury and wealth,


Man is never satisfied, always seeking a better life,


This dizzying race, for them, only brings wonder,


For those, the phantoms of society, with a weary spirit.



Someone exhausted, broken, with no strength left,


No longer ventures out, extending a hand for charity,


Rummaging through trash bins to find something to eat,


With cries and garbage, their spirit is drawn away.



No one sees them, pretending not to notice,


They remain the ghosts of misery living among us,


Some whisper that they pollute us so much,


Somebody who have never seen misery in life.









How much we massacre this life,


We run with fury, like crazy we run,


To take a day, beyond there, a ground's handful,


In the eternal world from which we won't return.



We run to accumulate as much wealth as possible,


We run eagerly to attain power,


We run angry for fame and glory,


As if will live on this earth forever.



We trample the beauty of life underfoot,


Often nurturing and feeding nastiness and evil,


We hurt each other, friends and brothers,


Losing logic as much we snatch up weapons.



We reach the sunsets of worn-out years,


We see how much they have killed and defeated us,


Those tired, trampled, and broken years,


And we weep for our lost paths in life.



No one turns back or comes back,


In a dawn of April, to start from the beginning,


Only a longing and a sorrow remain, burning us,


Leading us to irreversible sunsets, tormenting us.



We weep for something we did without thinking,


And we lost, we broke with people around us,


Like autumn leaves falling to the ground,


We weep for the wasted years of life.



We weep for a sweet word left unspoken,


A flower of spring that we couldn't catch the scent,


In the shadows of graves where we left our joys,


Where the soul drips with a voice that hurts.



Why do we do this...!?








The first spring flowers have bloomed again,


The clouds move as if searching for something in the sky,


Here below, amidst the greenery, only you are missing,


And this morning sun brings me your image.



Walking beside me, the longing you left behind,


And this gentle breeze pushes me into your footsteps,


In the chirping of the birds, your songs sleep,


And I wake them up, to hear those songs as much as I want!



I enjoyed the spring mornings again, so much,


Where the beautiful legs you get wet, once, with dew,


The birds following in the endless greenery,


Smiling sweetly when you said "Good morning!"



I enjoy the mornings so much again,


As long as hope is not lost that you will come one day,


As long as your memories follow me as they used to,


As long as all the loves ignite in my soul.



Maybe you will come one day, perhaps with a different name,


Like a beloved Eve descending from the sky,


With the warmth and love that only a woman has,


And I, like a medieval knight, have to wait for you.




Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter

০২:৫৬ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার






Blerina Pëllumbi was born in the city of Korçë (Albania). She graduated from "Fan S. Noli" University, majoring in teaching. Since 2016, she has been living in Tirana. Currently, she has been a teacher in the city of Tirana. Now lives and work in France. She has written, up now, others our books.The firot book of Blerina Pellumbi is "Tears of a Woman"... you can find this book in English and French language in Amazon.com








Don't take my sun...

Don't turn off the moon..

Don't steal the wind from me...

Don't drain the river... 

Don't take the colors from the flowers...

Not even the flying wings of butterflies...

The world no, don't strip me on that one...

Don't leave the word unfrozen on my lips...

Do not tear down the mountains that are dripping with tears for me ...

Don't cut down the forests, bury the greenery today..

 Rays of light don't disturb me... 

Leave me with the whistle and sing with me...

You brighten the rainbow after every rain with a smile

What are you doing to the man?? !

Dissolved, it remained like a candle...

The old man is gray, the young man is also gray...

Don't grab the clouds, the stars in the twilight....

Don't strangle a life with thieving hands....

What are you doing to the earth, to the air you breathe?!

Over the edge, I sit miserable....

Where did you lose your smile?!

Family, joy, forgiveness, where have you hidden?! 

Land in misery, that snatched the sun...

He exchanged his heart with the spirit of the night...

World, world without sun, world without white clouds

Be born again, it's not too late to be born golden hearts...






Fragrance released, thorned skin  

A certain desire it evokes  

Like a bird you soar, calling, crying  

Reviving a soul and making it king  

A hot breath reigns over that lip  

And yet you seek lips again  

Holding a fire that never extinguishes  

A warm scent, a scent of life, a rose  

Two eyes that close like two petals  

Ignite a star  

Silk skin, white skin  

Blinded it remains  

Life calls with the name Woman on a rose  

Like a fiery longing, love is born  

It keeps my name...  

The name "Woman"



(Translated into Kujtim Hajdari)




Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter

০২:৫৫ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

Poem - Hunt in Private, Heal in Silence, Glow in Public



Hunt in Private, Heal in Silence, Glow in Public

Dr. Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj (Trinidad and Tobago)


In the shadows, quietly we strive,  

Unseen efforts, where dreams come alive.  

A relentless pursuit, with courage and might,  

Hunting in private, away from the light.


In the stillness, where no one can see,  

We mend our hearts, and set ourselves free.  

Silent whispers, tender and kind,  

Healing in silence, peace we find.


When the wounds are mended, and strength is regained,  

We step into the light, no longer restrained.  

Radiant and powerful, our spirit shows,  

Glowing in public, as our confidence grows.


From quiet battles and whispered prayer,  

Emerges a soul, beyond compare.  

Hunt in private, heal in silence,  

Glow in public, with grace and resilience.


©®Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj 

০২:৫৩ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার







Parvinder Nagi


Peace dwells

…..in the beacon of hope 

In the gleam of lights 

In the gentle breeze

In the rustling leaves 

Where lilies bloom 

Swaying in the meadows green 

Singing of birds on the twigs so sweet 

Where the sun shines 

Brightening the azure skies 


Peace dwells in the giggles of children 

Where innocence prevails 

It resides in the hearts 

Where souls entwine

 Intoxicating your senses 

With fragrances galore 

Leaving you in serenity 

And solitude 


Judging not the colour nor race

Guiding through the celestial paths 

Eradicating the shadows grey 

Weaving the tapestry of life 

Keeping the secrets so fine

Wading through the waves 

Dancing in melodious tunes 


Splashing through the tides of time 

Cuddled in the nature’s blessings 

Each day with bliss of gratitude 

Tuning with the world in harmony 

Embracing the warmth of relationships 

Let’s build peace and harmony 

Through the years unveiling the shadows dark…!


Copyright: Parvinder Nagi




About the Poetess:


Parvinder was born and brought up in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa. 

She has dedicated her career to shape the minds of future generations as a principal from distinguished senior secondary schools in India.


Parvinder is a national award winner from NCERT, New Delhi, for making teaching and learning process more easier through the classroom aids for both the teachers and pupils. 


Parvinder’s poetic journey begins with a great inspiration from her visit to the museum and Dove cottage a residence of vulnerable poet William Wordsworth in Grasmere, Lake District, UK.


Her passion for poetry was found recognition when she was bestowed with the prestigious accolades in a national poetry contest orchestrated among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across India on the national level.


She is recipient of many literary awards in poetry. Her poems are translated in various languages and are music of the heart that express different aspects of life, conjure up emotions from happiness to sadness using different styles and themes giving pleasure to the readers.

০২:৫২ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

কবিতা - সাদা ভাত ও তোফাজ্জেল


সাদা ভাত ও তোফাজ্জেল

অরিন্দম চট্টোপাধ্যায় 


মোবাইলের প্যাটার্ণ লক্ খুলতেই

 চোখে পড়ছে তোফাজ্জেলের 

জল দিয়ে হাত ধুয়ে ভাত খাওয়ার দৃশ্য


সে ঘুড়ে বেড়ায় এপাড়া ওপাড়ায়

বাবা, মা সহোদর সব একে একে

চলে গেছে অনন্তলোকে

ওকে রেখে গেছে এই পৃথিবীর বুকে

বলে গেছিল তারা ওকে বেঁচে বর্তে থাকিস


সে সত্যি বেঁচে বর্তে ছিল 

অনন্ত ক্ষিদের আগুন নিয়ে

কতোদিন ভাল করে সাদা ভাতের গ্রাস

তুলে মুখের কাছে নিয়ে যেতে পারে নি

শুধু ঘুড়ে বেড়িয়ে ঘ্রাণ নিয়ে গেছে


আজ সুযোগ এসেছে সত্যি সত্যি

তৃপ্তি ভরে সাদা ভাত খাওয়ার

সে জানে না এই খাওয়ার সুযোগই

যে শেষ বারের মতন সুযোগ

আর কোন দিন ভাতের গ্রাস

 তুলে নিতে পারবে না...



পৃথিবীর বুকের ওপর কতো শতাব্দী  

নদীর স্রোতের মতো চলে গেল

তবুও আমরা এখনও 

সেই হৃদয় হীনই থেকে গেলাম


@অরিন্দম চট্টোপাধ্যায়, বেহালা কলকাতা-৭০০০৬০ 





০২:৫০ পিএম, ২২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার

স্বাস্থ্য পরিকাঠামো খতিয়ে দেখতে মালদায় সৌমিত্র রায়

স্বাস্থ্য পরিকাঠামো খতিয়ে দেখতে মালদা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতালে এলেন রাজ্য শিশু সুরক্ষা অধিকার কমিশনের পরামর্শদাতা সৌমিত্র রায়।


০৩:৫০ পিএম, ২১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ শনিবার

Puspaprovat Patrika