Roberto Dávila Torres (Nicaragua)
পুষ্পপ্রভাত পত্রিকা
প্রকাশিত : ০৮:৩৭ এএম, ৩ মার্চ ২০২৫ সোমবার

Peace Nicaragua
(Typical acrostic, mesótic and telestic in Spanish)
Peace dove fastened with a clip
To childhood, its Joy and hope
Set sail in the blue, they were born to be happy
No sadness,No child labor
Play restless children
The sky is your limit
They were born to love
Play and laugh in the
Little gazelles
We will howl in the wind
Solidarity and peace to the children of the earth.
Roberto Dávila Torres ©
© All rights reserved
Oh Green Muse!
I see my home,
in the greenest moss in the distance,
the azure green of the sky.
The field is dressed
in green, pistachio, sap,
field, cadmium, chrome, jade,
water, blue, apple, dry
different shades, but green,
emerald green of the field
green your eyes that I long for
green the hope that nests in my chest.
green the trill of my verses
next to the Mockingbird and the greenfinch.
Green, green
Cravings and desires
chimera and fire
the field by the stream,
the joy you provoke,
the nostalgia when I invoke your name
The shadow under the strawberry tree
the trill of the goldfinch in the tree
my longings when I bite
your name in my memory,
green, green when I remember you
when you sneak into my memory
Green my tears,
my crying
my gaze
the melancholy
your love
your surrender
your absence
green the wait
and the anguish in the soul
when I remember
the green pine
today in bloom
exhaled its green woody smell
it brings me reminiscences
of when
I loved you
under its shady green
the grass for a bed
Naiads and Dryads for a witness
What peace I felt!
Green peace!
Green freedom!
Oh green muse!
©®Roberto Dávila Torres
All rights reserved
Beautiful Eyes
My beautiful eyes,
look into your eyes
Is to see how the sky
And the sea
Come together in your eyes.
Is to see the clear light
That turns into flame,
In the sun that embraces me
If burning passion
In contemplating you.
My beautiful eyes
The sun is in your eyes
Radiating in the terso
Glass of the day
The warmth of your tenderness
With a unique brightness
Reflected the sunrises.
May the gleam of your gaze
Be always, sun, moon, light
And the reason for my singing.
Roberto Dàvila Torres
About the Poet:
Roberto Dávila Torres is a writer, Poet, Lawyer and Notary Public of the Republic of Nicaragua. His poems have been published in several magazines and anthologies in America and Europe. In 2007 he represented the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua at the XIX National Interuniversity Poetry Meeting. He has received international awards and recognitions such as an Honorary Doctorate in Literature from the International Federation of Writers, Poets and Artists for World Peace (FIDEPA). He is the author of the book 'Poems and Calligrams' with international registration by CIESART, Spain in Book II ACTA No. 845 THIRD QUARTER Barcelona April 23, 2023
*Collected from the poet by Md Ejaj Ahamed of Aurangabad, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India*