Eva Lianou Petropoulou (Greece)
পুষ্পপ্রভাত পত্রিকা
প্রকাশিত : ০৪:০৯ পিএম, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪ রোববার
Strange Days
EVA Petropoulou Lianou
Strange behaviour
People are not going to correct direction
Like birds or whales
They lost their orientation
They are killing eachother
THey are jealous
They don't want the best of the neighbor
Earth is tired of humans
EVA Petropoulou Lianou
The first word
Babies said before they walk in
Shame to this humanity
How can you be happy
When in the other side
THey are sacrifing babies
Thousands babies
Pray for the souls of the innocents