Poem - I Miss You My Love
Mohamed Rahal ( Algeria)
পুষ্পপ্রভাত পত্রিকা
প্রকাশিত : ১১:১৪ এএম, ২৫ জুন ২০২৪ মঙ্গলবার
I Miss You My Love
Mohamed Rahal ( Algeria)
All the longing and you're far away
Is it enough to improve me?
My tears are shedding longing to see you
I sleep with a ghost next to me
it does not let me
How do I feel when you are so far from me?
Baby my eyes never sleep
Strange and what good is my longing?
I would love to see you, but how???
Why I loved you unforgettable love
I hear every whisper of you
love and touch
but how .
Why did you agree to stay away from me?
Is this my reward for falling in love with you?
My love comes back that I can't
I held on to your love, like a baby, come back